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I gotta say, I know it's a pretty bad look that this lengthy period of time between updates came just after changing my update schedule. I really do apologize for it, and know that I'm just as committed as I have always been!

To put a bit into perspective, at the moment I have finished the writing for the first two days, which adds up together to around 3kish lines, making both of these on the same level as a full update. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th days will likely also be very long, but I want to get at least those updated before I continue on with the present updates.

Within these first two days, we have a bunch of sprites that needed updating (especially when taking into account future outfits, such as swimsuits at the waterpark). As of writing this post, I've gotten the main 5 characters updated (Jehu, Paul, Alan, Shen, and Jorge), though that mostly just means Alan and Jorge.

We have a lot to do before it's ready to ship publicly, though. "We." Well, me. I.

I have the preliminary sketches done for the first two days worth of CGs, but they still need fleshing out. 

Yes he will be tiddy out, as he should be.

Even once I finish these first two days and get the CGs all made properly, I still have a lot of art that needs updating. Hell, there's a million CGs that need to be remade that are patron-only at the moment, like all those dang waterpark CGs! It'll be a lot of cleaning up for a while, so please bear with me.

Once I have gotten all of these CGs and the writing updated, that is the point I will be treating Sihai as a "new release" in a sense. I don't currently feel comfortable advertising Sihai around purely because I think that first impression is lacking. Ugly, even. The writing is mediocre and inaccurate at times (given... developments). The art is sometimes sloppy and unrefined, and does indeed inflict psychic damage on me whenever I see it. Even the choices you're given feel too abrupt at times to me, deserving of consequences I simply did not write.

As I said, when it's done, I will treat it as a "new release" and be advertising it more proudly than ever before. I want this to be a game where people see the start of it and are impressed. Hooked, yearning to maybe see Shen's tibbies once again. 

Until then, I will be releasing periodic updates hopefully at the start of every month, letting you all play the new days as they're added to the build. I will be accepting feedback- fun feedback included!

Despite saying that and because of all the art needed, I will be pushing back this next release to you all by a week, meaning that the first two days revamped will be playable on September 8th. Maybe a little earlier if I get it all done early.

Thank you all again for your patience, it really does mean a lot to me.



so will you delete the project on itch and republish the game ? I dont know how itch work but this might be a good way to give the game a boost. To the people who doesn't know the game they'll get to go through a lot of content at once this might give the game the popularity it deserves. PS : once the 5 first day are updated and everything is cleaned up I mean


Hmmmm maybe I should, honestly. I do want to revamp even the download page and the summary n such. So, probably!