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Figured I'd give y'all an update on what's going to be happening over the next month and a half.

1st: Jorge's getting a new set of sprites

Shooting for more of a comic book neckbeardy type look to him, here's hoping it came across well! Jorge's always been a bit of an issue as far as this game does. Maybe I'm treading on old ground by saying this, but he's often been more or less swept under the rug in the attention he gets- which is a shame, considering I actually really like Jorge's route and what I have planned for him!

Maybe this helps, maybe this doesn't, but I'm pretty satisfied with how his new look came out! 

Alan will also be getting some touch-ups (he's moreso getting refined rather than outright redesigned), and Shen'll be getting some slight adjustments to his linework and eyes.

I also plan to update at LEAST





and Maybe



-Zheng Biyu


In addition to those, I plan on changing, re-drawing, adding (potentially), and removing some CGs. I'll point out which ones are going away closer to release.

The biggest change, though, is that the beginning of the game is going to be noticeably different. I mean it! Some things in this game's development have been re-evaluated, changed, added, and removed, so please look forward to the new start to Sihai's Legacy!

When I say the beginning of the game, I'll also elaborate on that. While the whole first two days will be re-written and the pacing of them changed, I also would really like to change the writing of the 3rd in-game day (where you pick your route), rewrite the optional scenes of the 4th day and perhaps add new ones (don't know if the gloryhole scene will be redrawn yet... though I have an idea...) and, if possible, I'd definitely love to rewrite the first "real" day you spend with some characters. Paul and Alan have nice scenes, but others (take Jehu's or Jorge's for example) are pretty lacking in terms of content.

(Words words words)

Some characters may have their introductions moved up, some characters might be kicked to the curb! Maybe! Who knows? Not I! (I lowkey know but I'd rather not say yet)

Hell, I'd also like to remake some music for the game! I really want to set up proper motifs, you see.

Now for the timeline of all this and a few sillier things I should admit to.

First, this is obviously a pretty big undertaking. Even if I didn't have a lot going on, I would be stressed to my giblets trying to get all these assets done, never mind the actual physical writing required. 

Unfortunately, I'm being made to leave on vacation starting on the 20th of this month, and we won't be back until the 30th if I remember correctly. I won't have access to my tablet or (musical) keyboard, and I'll be pretty busy spending time doing vacation-ey things that I won't have altogether that much time to write. Basically, the odds of me being done by the start of July is 0.

This all means that July will also be spent on this update. Now, the sillier thing I want to admit to is that... maybe I've said it before, but "AI: the Somnium Files - nirvana initiative" is supposed to come out on the 24th of this month, which I'm extremely hyped for! Fire Emblem 3 Hopes also comes out on the same day which, after playing the demo, I'm also incredibly hyped for. 

Between those two games, I'll really have to bully myself into doing what has to be done because as it turns out, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 comes out at the very end of July! There's no breaks! Granted, I think it's a good thing that XC3 is coming out the month after so I'm incentivized to get things done ASAP...


Before my lil conclusion, I'll also shoot y'all this: If you have any advice, gripes, or ideas for what could be added to, changed about, or removed from the first 5 or so days, feel free to let me know by comment or DM.

I apologize for any inconvenience, and I hope the end result (releasing August 1st) will be well-received! Progress on Alan's update will resume during the month of August, and will be released September 1st if all goes according to plan.


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