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Boutta go on an orange-juice fueled hefty Paul writing session because I simply cannot sleep with the stress of an unfinished update weighing on me. I'm sure that's perfectly healthy and normal though and wouldn't worry about that.

In any case, I was staring at my patron count a few moments ago and was struck with the thought that I don't think I do enough for y'all aside from making the game itself. In fact, I honestly feel pretty bad where it comes to the higher tier. I think the main draw of the higher tier is the image gallery, but I'm really irritated at updating that horrible mess, and am still looking to replace it with a better system (one that maybe even gives you a bigger view of the characters, letting you see them below the belt :3c)

Something I could think of adding to a higher-tier version is a QoL thing that lets you access the sex scenes independently of the normal game, letting you quickly revisit whatever naughty scenario your heart desires. I think that sounds good, and probbbbably wouldn't be that difficult.

And the second thing I was considering was a tier not unlike some other furry artists voting on characters for them to draw, but in my case it'd probably be a monthly vote for me to draw a full scene of one of my characters. Maybe I'd make a higher tier for that though, and allow for my ~other~ characters when my side projects lift off. Who knows! Not I, certainly.

Now I pose the question to you all: if you have any idea for a Quality-of-Life feature that could be added in a higher tier or some other benefit that currently doesn't exist, please let me know. Feel free to send an idea as a reply to this post, via discord (in the server or through a DM), or through a direct message through Patreon itself. Though obviously I want to entice people to hop on board and support me further (I'm still quite a ways off of being able to be independent), I also want you all to feel that you get your money's worth.

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to reading any ideas you all may have!


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