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So here I was, sitting there watching a livestream from my favorite Binding of Isaac streamer, when my mind wanders to the dilemma that I touched on with my latest post. That being the neglect of certain content in the game.

  • NSFW content being put on the sideline as "optional" and being able to retcon it in
  • CGs becoming rarer and rarer
  • Needing to use mini-CGs to show lower sprites, when I should be finding a way to look at the full sprite
  • Updates to sprites (which I have been working on as of late!)
  • New music tracks (mama mia I need to make more music tracks)
  • Etc. Etc.

And... add on top of that the whole burnout issue I ran into earlier.

With all of that floating around in my mind, I wondered what I could do to alleviate these problems, and I had an idea. Maybe an obvious one at that :V

If I slow down the rate of updates, then I can spend more time polishing an update, making CGs, padding it with all that thirsty content y'all (and myself) want, and ensuring that every day is a nice, meaty experience.

Basically, the idea is that I would release 1 update on the first of every month, starting in April. So the timeline would look something like this:

  • April 1st - Jorge
  • May 1st - Jehu
  • June 1st - Paul
  • July 1st - Alan
  • August 1st - Shen
  • September 1st - Jorge
  • October 1st - Jehu
  • November 1st - Paul
  • December 1st - Alan

(Note that the free period currently between Jorge and Jehu would be cut.)

And so on and so forth. But what it comes down to is a matter of quality vs quantity.

I'm sure I could make individual updates far better from a writing, musical, visual, and systemic standpoint, but it would take more time than I'm currently allotting myself.

But on the other hand, days would be coming out at 55% the rate (It's not exactly half since I'd be cutting out that free period after Jorge's route that's currently there). This would extend the project's projected time by quite a bit.

So, after my initial polling through the Sihai discord server, I would pose this question to all of my supporters: which path do you think I should take?


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