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So, something I've been doing on my discord is streaming daily drawings! Basically, every day I'll spin a wheel, get one of like 60 character names (from Sihai, the "Billyverse," or the 13th Hour), then draw something of them. My goals with this is as follows.

-Improve posing

-Improve perspective/arrangement

-Improve clothing

-Get a better hang of drawing these characters

Over time, I have no doubt that I'll improve greatly from these daily drawings. As you can see, I don't keep the style exactly the same from piece to piece, either. Where one may be finished lines, another may be sketchy lines. Some are colored with the hard and soft shading, others are just soft shading. Maxie there even has weird shading with no coloring! Neat

I'll be posting these compilations every week as a benefit to patrons. I hope you're looking forward to the next set!

(Heck, if I continue this long enough, maybe I'll introduce a patron poll for employee tiers to decide one of the characters that gets a slot during this weekly thing...)




They're all fun, but I love the rodent fella (and sleepy Eiji)! Hope the daily drawings help you improve!