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Much like Candace's mother, I have a sudden and inexplicable urge to make a post right now! Let's talk a bit about stuff, shall we?

First! I want to bring up that I have been sick for around a mont now, with about a week in there of being healthy. Not COVID fortunately, but tis the season and all that. *sigh* So, though I can't wholly blame my reduced progress on that, it definitely plays a part. I have gotten some more work on sprite reworks and some CGs, so that's nice. When they'll come around, however, I'm not sure. That said, I finally got my music stuff up and running on this computer, and it's led to the creation of two (technically three) new tracks! Now that's exciting.

Here's a small chain of events here. A timeline, if you will!

At least where it comes to sprites, I want to get the reworks in order before I make the "talking" aspect of the sprites to reduce unnecessary work. Once that's done, I want to get the CGs updated (GOD knows some of them sorely  need it.) When those are completed, I think that'll be a great time to finally give the gallery the rework it also needs. I should pretty up the music gallery after that... but we'll see.

Sometime in or after all of this, I really want to get the ball rolling on the 13 game. I think I'll tentatively call it "The 13th Hour." How does that sound?

Progress I can release with that will be far different from that of Sihai's, and I... kinda doubt I'll be able to have a steady release schedule with it like I do with Sihai. It's just the nature of the game, having cases with no real points where you'd be able to stop. From what I can foresee, I'll probably wind up releasing The 13th Hour in 13 or 14 large chunks, with most of these chunks being whole cases.

(It'll be really nice to have another project so I don't wildly burn myself out with Sihai over and over :B)

Also when the time comes, I'm thinking I'll make a new patreon specifically for the 13th Hour, and this one will remain purely Sihai-based o7

Speaking of which- check out Argine and Dime! Lookin' sharp, men.

Ok! See you when the update drops!


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