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Imagine a fanfare! Thank you, thank you very much! It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here- the coveted waterpark update. Where you can see shirtless men do wacky things, and engage in even wackier things with them! Probably! The eye candy is nice and I am very tired as of making this post. Too tired, in fact, to think of a better blurb for this- so let's just get into the patch notes! -

What's New (General):

  • Updates to Rob, Ramses, Shen, and Eric.
  • MC body types other than chubby have been removed (kindof).

What's New (F2P):

  • Alan's July 15th! (It's cute)

What's New (Patreon):

  • Update to Barry.
  • New outfits for like 20 characters.
  • New sprites entirely for like 3 new characters!
  • A waterpark update that took more words to write than the first book of Harry Potter (I checked, it's 87,433 words for just the waterpark file alone)
  • New temporary CGs. These are just sketches to help get the idea across, they aren't the finished product! It's just a bit too much work, that's all.
  • 5 whole days, one for each of the boys.
  • One quick new ending.
  • Probably something else that I'm forgetting.
  • There's lots of horny content

Come grab your copy here!

Non-Patron (F2P Build):


$4 Patrons (no galleries):


$7+ Patrons (galleries):


Known issues!:

There's going to be a LOT of typos, sorry! I'll try and get them ironed out, though. Some characters may also show up in their normal outfits instead of their swimsuit every now and then, which is definitely not intended and is a fairly common mistake I make.

The gallery still needs to be updated with the silly amount of stuff, but I plan on reworking the gallery system. Instead of pages with imagebuttons, I think I'll try and wrangle up a text-based menu where you can easily pick a character and their outfit from a menu, without any annoying transition times. Exciting! And, more importantly, it'd mean I wouldn't have to make any ridiculous thumbnails!

There's also some events that are referenced in-game that aren't shown off yet. This is because they will be added to the waterpark later, over time! Characters that haven't gotten their chance to shine will appear later, added in when I have the time and energy to do so. This day is huge, and it's only going to get bigger!

I WANT to make a new, smaller update on December 1st before Endwalker hits, including the CGs that I haven't finished and fixing a bunch of the issues. We'll see how that goes, though. I'm just about spent for the year @_@

At the very least, normal updates will return January 15th with Jehu's July 19th! F2P players, I'll keep uploading your stuff every 15ish days though.

Thank you for your support, and I sincerely hope you enjoy this waterpark spectacular!


It's Jake

IM EXCITED. but also scared....


u r going to love this update i think, shen fans stay WINNING