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Hm, nearly typed 1/17/20 there, that sure would have been awkward.

"O' beloved creator of Sihai's Legacy™, what great and glorious message dost though have to bring hence?" Well, my oddly-verbose fan who has probably been playing Final Fantasy XIV a bit too much... uh... good question? I'm kinda making this post on a whim, so I guess I'll just talk about whatever comes to mind.

Hmmmmm first off, I'll talk about some future plans. I'm sure people'd love to hear about that, though if you're a part of my discord (and a good number of you are), this won't come as a surprise. Long story short, I will (in time) be adding in the ability to choose pronouns separate from what you physically appear as. The way I plan to implement this is that, in the start of the game, you will answer if you're a boy or a girl. This sets your biological sex. Later, when you get into the first day proper, you'll be asked what your pronouns are in a (hopefully) nice and non-obtrusive way. Naturally, this will set your pronouns. I plan on having He/Him, She/Her, and They/Them (they/them is going to be slightly obnoxious to deal with at times because of English being kindof annoying, but I'll make the effort to make sure the pronouns work)

I believe I've said as much before, but I'm also going to reiterate that the start of the game (as in the first couple of days) will eventually be getting a pass through in order to fix it up and add things as needed. I feel the pacing is all sorts of wonk there and it's not even remotely as fleshed out as I would like it to be- and don't even get me started on what an actual coding mess it is. Yeesh, looking back at it is actually painful sometimes. Along with that last paragraph, I also want to add in that fun little top/bottom thing in my stretch goals (Still thinking about those stretch goals, by the way. Might lower them to 200/400/600?)

The two stretch goals that would appear in the main game are the top/bottom and the body types thing. Here's how both of those would go down.

For top/bottom orientation:

1. You must have NSFW mode turned on.

2. Through a number of the horny option choices, you'll be given points making you lean one way or the other. If you pick the horny options relating to, say, looking at someone's ass, you will get a point towards "top-leaning." If you pick to, say, look at someone's bulge, you will get a point towards "bottom-leaning." Whichever side has more points will cater the content you see in-game towards top or bottom, resulting in different sexual scenarions.

3. If you happen to get an equal number of top to bottom going on, I want to make it so that you get a mixture of top/bottom content. Perhaps you'll be able to choose, perhaps you'll be able to get both but not focus on either... hell, there might be special top/bottom scenes you can only get by leaning one way or the other. Wouldn't that be nifty?

For body type:

At the start of the game, while you're being asked random questions, I think you'll get 2 questions. First, do you eat a lot? If yes, you get a second question, this one being if you work out? Or well, if you do a lot of physical activities or play outside or whatever. If you say yes, you'll be Fit. If you say no, you'll be chubby, and if you say no in the first place then you'll be some twink.

Also I'll be adding in backgrounds and stuff as I get them, so I think the first days are going to look downright spiffy!

Hm... what next......

I guess I could mention the music? Soon I'll be getting a new computer (thanks to moving god knows how many book boxes for my parents) and it's coming with logic pro installed, which is gonna be really nice! I have it right now technically, but it's kinda bootleg-ish and I can't update it. Plus the new computer is just downright more powerful, which is going to be really nice for music production. That said, I've got my hands so busy with writing and planning and drawing and now school that I don't really know what to do about music. 

How do y'all feel about the music so far?

I'm aware there's some ~not so minor~ issues around it, like the audio mixing for one just being kinda not great. I feel like it's really quiet, but also the speakers on my current computer are totally awful so I'm not sure. I know I do have fun trying to make music, and I think that sometimes I even come up with something that's okey dokey, but I wonder how feasible me doing it is, in the long run... I guess we'll see.

Oh, one last thing!

Why, would you look at that. It's Shen! What's he doing here?

Well, if you saw one of my more recent tweets, you might have seen a poll about me making some stickers. Not sure if I said it there or not, but I do mean like, actual real-life stickers. Although, a sticker pack on telegram would be nice.

This is just one idea for the stickers, but I happen to really like the look of it so far. It's cute! I think I'll be adding a big ol gear behind him to serve as something of a backdrop for it, and of course I'll be refining and coloring it and all that fun stuff, but yeah! Dunno what my future plans are gonna be for merch-type stuff like this, but I think these stickers are going to be pretty fun and cute :]

Dunno what else to say at the moment, so I'll end it here. G'night!


Ghost Mexican Wolf

I really love the idea of being able to pick your pronouns! I've played a few VNs that stay neutral to kinda blanket everyone in, but it felt less personal when I was referred to as "they/them" all the time, when I go by he/him. It'll be very nice to have those choices. That top/bottom orientation sounds a little complex, so I really hope the coding goes well enough for you! I really do like the idea of it as well!!