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Things are going pretty well, I think, from a game development point of view. It's almost overwhelming, looking at all my patrons and going "Damn, this is really happening!"

But my excitement aside, I thought it was a good time to update my stretch goals now that they're in the somewhat more realistic future. I'm hoping I meet them sooner or later, and I'm really looking forward to what each of them has in store! In case you haven't looked at the stretch goals as of today, here they are:

$250 monthly support:

The main character will have alternate body types, letting you choose from 1 of 3: twink, muscular, and chubby. MC sprites and cgs including MC will also be updated to fit whichever body type you choose.

$500 monthly support:

You will be able to choose whether you lean top, bot, or verse- which caters certain content. More of a dick-man? Go for the bottomly options to focus on that meat. More of an ass-man? Then choose to be a top and focus on that sweet, sweet cake. Or both!

$750 monthly support:

This is where the old stretch goal is being put. At this amount, I will be adding in extra-canon scenes that don't fit within the main game. Scenes before or after the game in whatever endings, scenes that may not feature the main character at all, and more! Something like a Christmas party could fit well here (I know I want to see Paul dressed as Santa!)

(Even reaching a single one of these would make me beyond ecstatic lmao!)


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