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As of the time I'm writing this, I should be finishing my finals tomorrow. Among other things, this means I can really get back into the swing of making the game! Thank you for being patient~

I do wonder about some things, of course. Some of them are more asking for thoughts and opinions, while others are more idle musing so bear with me.

1. The MC's appearance is meant to be somewhat bland and relatable, which is why they look the way they do. Even the difference between male and female MC is not very significant. I wonder if people are content with this or if they would rather have a more adjustable MC? Mind you, something like that would be pretty difficult and would require a non-insignificant amount of coding and addition of assets, including the adjustment of both sprites and CGs. I imagine that something like this would be a stretch goal, though feedback would be appreciated

2. I've been thinking about "animated" CGs, and it feels pretty appealing to me... although, it would be quite expensive. I'm only planning on getting a single animated CG at the moment, but if it gets positive enough reception then I'll strongly consider getting more. That would also probably be a stretch goal, since they're quite a bit more expensive than normal CGs. And the same could theoretically be applied to sprites, but that's something to think about for even later than animated CGs.

3. This'll crop up a bit more in the future, but I have thought honestly way too hard about the biological systems of this furry world. Among other things, this includes the dicks and balls and lack thereof of certain characters. Some have human genitals, while others have more animalistic ones. I wonder what it is people prefer? And on that note, it would actually be totally possible for me to create a switch that would toggle between a more human dick and a less human dick, perhaps even toggle-able per character? It's something to think about, at least.

That's my thoughts for now. I should be posting another post here sooner than a couple of weeks, since I'm due to get a truckload of stuff done (relatively) soon!



For the mc the only thing I'd want would be different body types. For animated stuff that would be really cool but some people may feel left out if their favorite didn't get one.