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Wow, it's really been one whole week since I made the first public demo for the game. I'm honestly pretty pleased with how it's turned out- Itch says we have more than a hundred downloads! That's pretty cool! While there were some... things that went wrong, like the compiling getting worked over and a certain dad sprite breaking the game... but aside from that, it's gone great!

Some of you may know that I'm learning how to draw (I believe I've drawn more than 45 Ahabs as of today...), and that includes my own boys! In between my school work, my music, my sim work, my writing, my Ahab-drawing, and a spot of League, I've also been working on comics for my characters for this game! Note that I can't really show them yet since they're chock-full of spoilers right now, but it's honestly been really fun. And they help me develop my story more, which helps the sim and... anyways, that's beside the point.

What I was wondering is this: At some point in the future, it may be pretty relevant for me to show off these comics, possibly as some patron-exclusive content. I may be just a beginner right now, but over time, these drawings and comics will get better and better. On one hand, I kinda wanna add these lore comics as a stretch goal, but then that might detract from the real point of this Patreon- to support the development of this game (and me, so I can keep making the game)!

So... I guess let me know how you feel! If seeing comics of (lesser quality that the content in-game) events that might not be directly shown in-game is appealing to you, maybe I could shove them in here when the time is right? Maybe I could even make a segment of the gallery to view said comics... at that point, I should be changing my comic page layout to match the format in-game... and on that note too, I feel like a fanart gallery would be fun for the game, as well! Granted, I don't actually have fanart (hopefully yet!), and I'd have to go through and credit everything and make sure I have proper permissions... but I think that sounds like a fun goal. Something nice on the side, right?

For now, take this lil Jehu I drew a while ago!

(On a side note: Have you ever tried to explain something and feel like you're just rambling in circles and your meaning didn't get across at all? I kinda feel like I could've just said all of that with the sentences: "I've been drawing some comics about the game's lore and was wondering if you all would like to see it when it's actually important!" Oh well.)


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