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Ahhh music. Where would I be without it? Considering this game's subject matter, I imagine a number of people might play it behind closed doors and with the sound off, so it might be ignored far easier than the art. That said, I think music is an important part of any visual novel! It's what elevates something from good to great.

I, myself, am the one doing the music for this game. I don't know how much of the music I should be showing off (especially as many of the tracks could definitely do with some touching up), but I think it's fine to share at least one that I'm pretty happy with, which you'll be able to hear by pressing that play button.

This track will be used within the first 5 days of the game, so hopefully you all like it! The origin of this piece actually wasn't for this game. Rather, I made it as a piece to go along with a story I wrote for a friend. But! I think overall the same tone works for then and now, and I'm looking forward to having y'all see this thing put to practice!

...All the rest of the music is specifically made for the game, though. I hope you all enjoy the soundtrack, once this thing is out!




It's pretty good! Very relaxing