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As I said back in my first dev post, the sim was first thought up with the comment:

(This being myself)

Which I then followed with:

This, uh... well, it was a nice starting point? It's not really a bad idea. Cliché, maybe, but not bad. This company where all these characters work at is the best place to meet them all at, after all. But this is about where the initial idea ended. It was just "Oh, you meet someone in day 1, you decide who you want to woo, then you go through their path, go on a date or two with them, then do the nasty."

Again, not... bad. Classic porn game, really. If this were the project I were initially planning on making, this is probably what I would have done: short little routes for various characters, ending with a sexy scene. And then, we decided I should just use my own characters for date-ables (like I said in my first post). From that moment on, the nature of the project changed.

The simplistic routes I had planned before changed to ones with a lot more depth. Characters were made specifically for the game, rather than using pre-existing characters with pre-established backstories and personalities. Since I was able to personally mold who is who in this world and how everything works, it really gives me the power to do pretty much whatever I want. For better or for worse (hopefully for better).

And instead of having a whole bunch of mostly-unrelated routes, I... well, I don't really want to spoil anything, but I wanted to make the routes more... connected. I wanted to give the world more depth, more connections, more viewpoints. I wanted to deal with topics that I find interesting, and that's not just talking about sex! I want people to play this game and experience a whole slew of emotions. Happiness, sympathy, anger, sorrow, love, intrigue. Lust, obviously (that's a big one). Maybe the players will even feel confused or frustrated, or some complex, hard-to-describe emotion. I want people to come away from this game with lingering feelings about the game.

And to do that...... well......

I've always been a fan of games like Steins;Gate or the Zero Escape series.


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