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Sihai's Legacy was initially stated when me and a group of friends talked about making a dating sim using our characters. I am incredibly stubborn, so I decided that I actually wanted to do this thing- and here we are! Although, at the time, I was planning on making somewhere around... 7 routes or something? And only a couple of those characters were actually mine, so the initial idea was pretty... far out, man. In retrospect, I thought that was quite a bit, but I'm only dealing with two less... kinda...

A few things happened and we decided that, instead of using others characters, i would just use my own! Granted, I had to make more than a few characters explicitly for the sim, but that was actually a lot of fun (The initial characters were Jehu and Shen, then Paul, Jorge, and Alan came later).

Once everything was in my hands, it became infinitely easier to write out what plot I wanted and tie things together in just the way I liked. That said, this is a visual novel, and art is kind of important. In writing the sim, I made little placeholders so I could keep writing and checking that sprites worked properly even while I was writing it.

This is what spawned the creation of Yeehu.

Isn't he beautiful? This is the extent of my artistic capabilities, by the way, so there's a reason I'm doing everything that isn't the art. Although, it would be funny to make an April Fools build using these silly sprites.

At the point I'm at, I've almost entirely stopped using these little placeholder sprites, namely because they take too much time and there's not really that much of a point to it. One of the last remaining examples of these is my shoddily made title screen.

...I should probably change this, too.



Your rendition of Yeehu is beautiful and on top of wanting to marry him I will defend him with my life, let us marry boar dad Iggy. XD In all honesty, it’s awesome to see and hear you continue working on your game! I hope you enjoy working on it, I know I look forward to your journey and watching you grow as you build it. :)


Ehehe, I've got more of those silly sprites where that came from! And I hope you'll be stickin' around to see where all of this leads~