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Ok so, I have a deadline: June 12th. After that, I'll be spirited away until a couple days before FFXIV Dawntrail's launch and Y'all know I'm going to be totally out of commission until I finish with THAT. So, yeah. I have from now until then to get the following list done and ship the game properly!

I'll make no guarantee that I'll get all of these done, so bear with me. This is just the list of things you could reasonably expect me to do, even if not everything manages to get finished.

1. Jehu

As mentioned earlier, I planned on updating Jehu's body one last time before the relaunch gets done. And I did! Here:

(The quality's kinda low cause the full image was too big lol)

Now, this was pretty good, but there was something that was holding me back from being wholly satisfied with it. For a while, I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I realized two things not that long ago.

For one, Jehu's fat. Like, he should be in a more fatty body shape compared to the likes of Shen, Paul, and Jorge, but I think he's drifted too close to them. Ironically for my tastes, I feel that I haven't actually had much experience with drawing Fat fat characters, and a lot of that is in the hips. That takes me to my second realization: Jehu here is too rectangular. Too boxy. That doesn't feel right to me, and I'm sure after it was pointed out, it didn't feel right to others either.

This took me to my friend BBBuster, who helped me with sketching out a wider, more weighty Jehu. After a bit of back and forth discussion and sketching, we wound up with this:


(Ignore the mogus)

I'll take another pass through it before I go full sprite mode, but I think he's looking good already! Not that he looked bad before, of course. I'm thinking I'll buff his belly some, give him a harsher face, etc. We'll see!

This is something I absolutely want to get done before the relaunch is complete as, after said relaunch, I don't want to re-touch sprites anymore. As far as I'm concerned, June 12th will be the end of my period for sprite refinishing until this project is wrapping up.

2. Jehu's Route

As mentioned in an earlier post, Isaac is going to be dialed back into a simple cameo character and nothing more.

(To make sure the relaunch is good and all, I'm excluding cameo characters from the relaunch build at the moment. In case you were wondering where they went off to)

Because of this, Jehu will need a number of tweaks to his route, particularly as he is now going to be utterly friendless. I wouldn't expect the most wild changes to happen, but between this and Jehu's new appearance, another re-run through Jehu's route might not be a bad idea.

Additionally, there'll be new scenes at the waterpark in order to replace the Jehu-Isaac one and Jorge-Isaac one.

3. Paragons

Shen, Aquilo, Atlas, Eiji, and Som will all be receiving tweaks to their crotches and pants to account for their tailholes. This will range from major to minor, I imagine, so look forward to that.

Shen will also get some slight tweaks to dialogue in a few sections, particularly where it refers to Isaac. For all intents and purposes, Isaac's role will be replaced by a female dragon by the name of Set- she's actually reference in-game already, if you recall!

She'll be getting a new sprite, of course.

In addition to that, Eiji will be getting a swimsuit of his own! It's been too long. You can expect it will be suitably absurd for that old goofball.

4. Dad Ends

Richard's got his eyes on the prize, even if you can't see said eyes. IDEALLY, I would like to get the dad-ends put properly into the game before time runs out. I have all (or most?) of the flags set up, so it shouldn't be particularly difficult to implement them. The big thing, really, is making the CGs. At minimum, I'd want at complete at least 3 new CGs (one for Alan, Shen, and Jorge), but something I'd like to do is set up a chance to get the opposite of what you normally see. For example, a low chance that you might find Richard bottoming for Jehu instead of the other way around!

That said, that would require like 5 new CGs. So, yeah. We'll see how much Dad-End content I can realistically get done.

5. Gloryholes

As I said in an earlier post, I want to take the gloryholes- both dong and butt- and move them to their own dedicated menu for a number of reasons. I planned on doing this with Jorge's update, but I wanted to get him out so I could receive proper feedback .

This is something I'm absolutely going to get done, so look forward to that!

As an aside, I'm considering how to treat the gloryholes. If you remember, a while back I said that the "extra scenes" menu would likely be a Patreon perk. These extra gloryholes, separate from the main game, would be extra.

I don't think I'll lock the dong gloryholes since they were already accessible, but I might lock the bootyass gloryholes behind the Employee tier, as well as most things that go in that optional scenes menu. I wonder if that would feel to scummy, though. But on the other hand, I want to make the Employee Tier feel more worth it than it currently is, so... I dunno? Maybe I'll do it, maybe I won't. I'll think about it.

6. MC's Shorts

...I just wanna make his boxers even fruitier. This one's for me.

7. Backgrounds

This is a bit of a pipe dream at the moment, but I'd like to get back to making the backgrounds properly. The BGs I have in the game are very much WIP assets, and if the game is to be properly finished, I'll need to start replacing these backgrounds sooner, rather than later.

There's just a couple of backgrounds in the game that I've made right now, but they were honestly fairly fun to make... if a bit time-consuming. If I manage to get everything else done before the 12th (doubtful,) I'll work on backgrounds. I also need to make sure to make a "nightrain" modifier, given it rains a lot in this game.

8. Swimsuit contest

Ok, this one's been brought up in a few routes and I'm going to be wholly honest: I forgot.

So, to make things right, the scene that replaces the Jehu-Isaac scene at the waterpark will instead be a swimsuit contest. My general thought for it right now is that you'll randomly pull 3 people who aren't your chosen boy, and no duplicates, and you'll see them in their swimsuit (and yes, I'll pan down to show off Everything. You and your date will then comment on them.

So I'll need to make swimsuits for everyone who doesn't have one right now! Fun!

9. Extra Shen CG

I showed off the sketch a little while ago and... yeah. I still want to do this! I don't know if I have the time at this point, but it'd be nice if Shen could get just one more NSFW CG. Poor guy only has one! And that's sad...

10. CG Fixes

I'll be taking extra passes through the CGs I made earlier, as many of them were made very quickly. Fixing up the shading, making tweaks to account for Jehu's new body and Shen's new tail hole, adding in effects and generally making things cleaner.

...As an example.

11. Misc. Tweaks

Before I post the full relaunch, I'll make sure to play through the game, fix however many bugs and typos as I can, and shore up any writing I previously missed. This'll be the very final step.

Alright! There might be something or another I forgot, but there's basically my hopes for what I can get done over the next... 3 weeks, basically.



Damn, I love this man’s design. We gotta see more of that famous butt tho, MC is making me envious as heck