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What’s she saying?




"Feeling funny, aren't we? Maybe a bit blue? *sigh* Oh well, I did warn you. That's what you get for not listening. Now we need to get you popped like a pimple before you make a mess of things. Mmm? Popped?? Oh yes, dear, popped. Not juiced. Certainly not 'turned back to normal.' But I don't think you ever were normal. Why would a grown woman dress in blue and insist on chewing my HIGHLY experimental three course gum!? Even after warning after warning! Stupid brats get exactly what they deserve in my factory..."

Aggroh d'artiste

"Wow, you really bring the place together!" "This is serious, Sarah! I can't be seen like this!" "Oh once the party finds out about your little... issue, it'll really kick things up a notch!"


“Hmm, I’m disappointed you didn’t get huge juicy boobs like some of them do” “What? W-why?” “Well it’s just so much more fun. Usually it rips the clothes clean off and makes a mess when they come unleashed, so I’m sure you appreciate the temporary modesty before we undress you later” “How long will I not be able to move like this? Who’s we?” “Just depends how long we want you like this, maybe only a couple months since you’re flat. At least your lack of boobs will make you easier to roll head over heels haha” “Months?!? I can’t move at all! What will you even do with me?”