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I had no warning they were folding.  I am going to create a twitter account and move content over.  I will start exclusively using MEGA for patron exclusive videos.  I will load all my prior videos onto MEGA and make them available here for patrons.

I will eventually get all my public videos reposted on twitter, but my priority will be to make sure they are available here for patrons.

For WIP videos of the Tarzan growth NOT on MEGA, I am going to just put a link to the finished video.  I don't see a point reloading those videos since the complete product is available.

What a bummer...  Please don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions/concerns.

UPDATE: I'm going to post on twitter, but they have a video length limit of 120 seconds... which will not do.  So, MEGA is going to be the repository and I will post the links here. Twitter handle is @HulumCave



Just sorry man


Yeah, it caught everyone by surprise. There was no warning at all.