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You know, I'm obsessed by FF16 at the moment. And by obsessed I mean I'm really REALLY into it meaning that I'm reading fanfics too (last time it happened it was 2015 with Dragon Age). And one of my favourite one is named "To the man I knew before". So the author (Cinder) talked to me about a very specific part and I took it like a challenge to draw it. It was difficult cause it's WAAAAY out of my usual things to draw. You know how much I love to draw lovely lovers full in love... So Anger ??? Pain ??? How to draw it ???

So I hope you'll enjoy it cause I'm happy to see how it turned !

I've put a little warning on this one cause... Well. It's maybe not something you want to see in the end !

Btw I know some of you are waiting on Cesar and Garrett, and I totally understand ! I'm still working on my babies too even if I can't really show a lot for the moment ! See you soon !




Omg yes! This fanfic and a few others I’m currently subbed to have me in a chokehold. I haven’t been this obsessed in a ship since FFXV (which I still am but—) I’m even deep diving into fanart daily which I’ve NEVER done before for a ship. IM OBSESSED


They will be the death of me I swear !!! Omg don't talk about FFXV the chocobros are still living their best life in my heart ! And yes I'm clearly OBSESSED by Cid and Clive it's awful... But so motivating to do even more !!!


This is so cool and now I have a new fan fic to find, thanks