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Hello everyone ! I hope you all have some days off / vacations to enjoy the summer !

As you may have noticed, I wasn't really active on July here. That's why I'm gonna pause the patreon billing on August (meaning that you won't pay anything until the 1st September) in compensation !

Unfortunately I was DEAD tired after June. Physically and mentally. The conventions killed me even if Dokomi was AMAZING ! Seriously I was so happy. It's officially my biggest convention ever and I've met incredible people, dear followers or mutuals and artists and it was great. But once at home, the tiredness kicked me in the face and despite my will, I was unable to do much more.
I tried to finish 3 illustrations (2 sfw and 1 nsfw) as planned but I... quite failed. I needed more time to rest and spent time reading or playing. And with the temperature being around 30°C here it was totally impossible for me to concentrate. I still sketched some FF16 stuff but it's not so serious so nothing to really share unfortunately ! Or maybe later to avoid spoilers !

Btw I must have done a new before, I'm so sorry...

Well, for the moment, I'm packing my stuff to leave tomorrow for one FULL week of vacation in Holland (omg !! My first vacation since... 4 years ?!). I'm excited and ready to fully rest for once !

I hope to still see you there after the week and despite my silence ! I can't wait to work again more peacefully and fully rested ! My little comic is still WIP and will come in September if I'm doing it right !

See you soon my lovelies and take care of you and your loved ones !



Oooh c'est génial que tu puisses partir en vacances !! Have fun ☺️ (Et je ne pense pas que quiconque t'en veuille de ne pas réussir à bosser dans ces horribles températures...)


La patience est mère de vertu pour attendre tes si jolies illu ❤️❤️