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Hello! = v=
Roulette time as always!

Roulette is possible to submit characters of all genres! (Anime, game, OCs or etc..)
However, I hope you can avoid the character I used to draw..  for the diversity of paintings!
- If she have another outfit, that's fine!
- I drew it before, but it's okay if it's after six months!

Among the applicable OCs,
PlusOut's OCs are not included.

ill receive the character application for designated date from today!
Deadline is until September 23th!

When the application period is over, I will post the recorded roulette results in that day.
So, the result can be confirmed on the August 24th!

If you want to know how I proceed with the roulette, please refer to this post!
Record file of 2023 July

Please write down in the comment who character you want to apply!

1. Write down the character name you want to apply for! ( ex : Mia )
2. And write down the origin of the character! ( ex : PlusOut's OC )
3. Finally, added image link of character! ( Google search, G drive, etc )
 If you want a specific outfit, please write it next to the character's name! ( ex :  Mia (Bunny girl) )

Caution - there's something PlusOut doesn't draw!

1. Non human form (ex : Furry,  Lizadman, Fishman.. etc)
- It's okay! like Neko ears, horn
2. Loli
- Body shape that appears to be a child! (ex : like this)



Chiyuki Kuwayama(THE iDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS) https://shinymas.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/chiyuki_p_ssr0.png


Katagiri Sanae from idolmaster cinderella girls https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/98529879


My OC Jina https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/108950710 https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/108951003


Luna‘s oc- Luna https://imgur.com/a/iG6gDXO

nov Yuri

Nen Empress(Dungeon Fighter Online) https://image.gamechosun.co.kr/wlwl_upload/dataroom/df/2019/01/25/507439_1548380789.png


Alfin Reise Arnor (Trails of Cold Steel) https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kiseki/images/0/08/Alfin_Reise_Arnor_%28Sen_III%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20210402125709


Noelle (kfc) from genshin impact https://www.google.com/search?q=%EC%9B%90%EC%8B%A0%20%EB%85%B8%EC%97%98%20kfc&tbm=isch&hl=ko&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sa=X&ved=0CBYQtI8BKAFqFwoTCMjh6ZiHiYEDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAG&biw=360&bih=670#imgrc=bVsBGMp-epzdoM


I think votes that are out of time or no image links should be invalidated.

