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Hello everyone, are you all having a good day?


Mmm.. actually, I'm having a hard time mentally these days..

Something big happened in my family about my brother, I went to the police station because of it, and I lost quite a lot of money.

And he has a bigger problem than that, keeping it a secret from my parents. It's not something to tell others, but it's giving me quite a hard time.

So I think I'm sensitive right now.. I feel a lot of emotions about what I can pass as usual.. = v=a

So I don't think I've been communicating these days. I'm so sorry if anyone feels offended by it.

And thank you for always supporting me and for worrying about me.

Then let's have a roulette time as usual.



Oh ooo brother jugyilnom


I'm sorry to see what happened to you


어쩐지 요즘에 댓글도 잘 안보이셔서 '무슨일 있으신가?' 라는 생각이 들었는데 그런 일이.... 플아님 비록 드릴 수 있는 도움은 말로 위로 하는 것 밖에 없겠지만 그래도 할 말을 하자면 저는 플아님이 작업물이 늦으시거나 아니면 개인적으로 몇 일간 휴가를 갖다오셔도 중간에 포기하시지 않는다면 계속해서 플아님을 지켜보면서 응원하도록 하겠습니다. 지금은 힘든 시기이시겠지만 그 고행길을 지나고나면 분명 플아님에게 축복이 있을 것 입니다. 말이 너무 길어졌네요ㅎㅎ;; 아무튼 플아님 화이팅 입니다!!!!


I hope things turn out good for your brother


Dont worry is hard but if you needs time take it we always waot for you return you are amazing

Kagura Miko

Protecting the family is good, Plus!! but it depends on the situation and the case too, consider it very carefully because if it's against your feelings...you may have to stay that way for a long time and we are very worried if you are keep like So


I hope everything turns out well


Cheer up... I hope it's resolved well.


I hope the problem is resolved. We will continue to support you.


Plus, hey. I am sorry to hear you are dealing with such issues. Never had a chance to hear from you directly, as far as I know you don't have a discord server do you?. Regardless, the truth of the matter is I don't really know all the details of what you and your brother are going through, all I can say is best of luck, but also: The truth of the matter is, you have done, and seem to be doing a lot for your brother. But at the end of the day, you are a human who cannot change the world for him... there is no point in you giving it all to help him if it can't be helped, which I could be wrong, but reading things like "police station" and "keeping it a secret from my parents" sounds like there may not be much you can do to help him or change the course he has taken with his life. If this is the case, as hard as it is, the reality is you can't change some things, and it is not your responsibility to take care of the life of others. Just take it easy, you deserve it. If you need to talk, you could always open a discord server to have more interaction with your community.


Thank you all for your concern. I don't think I should have worried you.. There's not much progress, but things haven't gotten any worse. I believe that it can be solved well.


Nothing to apologize, we're here for you. I want to emphasize what I said before: I don't know all the details, but at the end of the days we are all owners of our own destiny, and responsible for it. At the end of the day you are not your brother nor should you make yourself responsible for him, and you totally deserve to prioritize yourself if you have to. I hope it all comes out well! and you can always talk with us if you need to, best of luck!