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Chara roulette receive of March -

[This is included in the internship course.]

[Eh.. really?]

[Our company is often attacked because it has a lot of secrets. If you do this successfully, you will have the opportunity to advance to a higher position in the company.]

[...Mmmm~... well, hehe. then I'll try this test.]

[Wow, all right. the shorter the escape time, the higher the score.]

[This is easy for me!]

[Then, Let's start the challenge now!]



[Well, it was an easy girl.]

[She'll never escape.]

[Then let's make sure everyone is off work and move her.]

[How much would you bet she still thinks this is a test?]

[Mmmm... 100 dollars.]

[Lol, them I..]




Kagura Miko

Thank you, plus 😘👍


Vora is about to be taken away to meet soda


스토리 추가 굿!!


So beautiful and sexy Vora as always she is perfect and i love how she likes be tied up


Are these two stupid men not afraid of vora's high heels making a noise to attract attention


보라쨩 사랑해

RyoOniiSama (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-22 17:44:25 I love the curvy shape of vora's legs and end with taped heels, good choice sir <3 <3
2023-03-22 02:24:02 I love the curvy shape of vora's legs and end with taped heels, good choice sir <3 <3

I love the curvy shape of vora's legs and end with taped heels, good choice sir <3 <3