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Group A chara poll of March -

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Group C chara poll of March -

"Wow, look at this. The video came out really well."

"Oh, I knew she was pretty, but I didn't expect her to look pretty not only in pictures but also in videos."

"It's a waste to just look at us, so should we just upload it on the Internet?"

"Mmmm?! nmmm.. mmmm.."

"Haha, don't worry. we don't upload it unless you report it to the police."

"Because you're our own bondage slave, Mia."

"Then, I will deliver you to your doorstep now."

"Have a nice trip!"



Why her name is Mia?

Because she is a girl who should have gone missing forever = v=

But thanks to you, she's released, and after her weakness is captured, she's called in whenever the kidnapper wants to, and she gives herself to them.

Hope you like it XD




Whaaaattt the black hair schoolgirl has a name YEEEEESSSS and is so perfect for her the Plusout verse is expanding i like that canon of want gives her a name bit i lile Mia sound like Soi and is perfect


I like the name Plus. It's clever since she is always "missing in action."


So Mia is the black hair schoolgirl's name?


Mid mia!!!!! (ping ping ping)


It looks strange at the foot. Need to revise it and The suitcase is also a little too thin

Kagura Miko

Finally, from now we can call her name 😘😘😘.If it wasn't for the picture on the phone, I wouldn't have recognized this as a black hair girl and thought this was your new OC 🤭.Make some dialog, plus!!! I think you can give Mia and Soi to be sister " Suitcase Mia " - " Suitcase Soi " 🤭🤭🤭


But I think Mia should choose to call the police, because we also want to see Mia's video If Mia doesn't call the police, she will often be called by the kidnappers on vacation before graduation. After graduation, the kidnappers will imprison Mia and make her a bondage slave Anyhow, Mia's videos will all be uploaded to the Internet, which is a good thing for us


I think a lot about the future of Mia, but I don't know which one is suitable for her. I think you should improve the info of soi, Mia, chunghua and kunoichi


드디어 oc의 이름이 정해졌군요! 이번에 미아의 이름이 나왔다면 다음에는 쿠노이치의 이름이 정해지고 이름이 다 정해지면 드디어 기다렸던 설정집 같은게 나올 가능성이!!!


그렇고 보니까 궁금한게 혹시 전에 나왔던 독사과 양은 나중에 사과의 먼 친적으로(ex 사촌언니 or 여동생)해서 oc 출연 가능성이 있나요? 만약 나온다면 소다가 사과를 속박하려 하지만 알고보니 샤과양(임의로 독사과양의 이름을 붙인거에요)이여서 소다가 반대로 교육당하는 스토리로 나오는 것도 괜찮을거 같네요... =v= 아 그리고 마지막으로 나중에 설정집 같은거 만들때 모든 oc들이 모여 속박되어있는 씬을 만드시는 것도 좋을거 같다는 생각이 드네요!! ☆_☆


Mmm, that's quite the tight fit. :)


Mia that's a nice name for a beautiful OC


They've already imprisoned Mia for a few months and made her a great bondage slave! They released Mia for a while so as not to be caught by the police = v=


So mia is the only OC with master


으하하하.. 본의아니게 점점 딸부자가 되고 있네요.. 설정들은 다시 정리해서 작성할 계획이 있긴 한데 언제 하게될지 잘 모르겠어요.. T vT 음.. 만우절 장난으로 그렸던 낙서라서 독사과양이 어떻게 될지는 계획해본 적이 없는데 기존 사과양의 변신모습 정도로 나오지 않을까요? 이파리를 뽑았는데 이상한 잎이 자랐다거나.. = v=


음!! 나중에 만화를 그리시게된다면 '사과양의 변신'이라는 내용으로해서 독사과양하고 설정집이 나오는 것도 괜찮을거 같다는 생각이 드네요!!


Is it a new OC? Cute! I'm really looking forward to the completed version!