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Chara poll receive of March

[Is it time for a shift? oh, I'm glad to hear that. you know the precautions, right?]

[No? why ar.. wait. are you a newbie?]

[Well.. all right, then I'll explain.]

[The girl in this cell is a important hostage. she is the daughter of PO corporation CEO.]

[That's right. that PO. an influential union anywhere in the world.]

[And a terrifying mafia organization in the background.]

[She is the daughter of such an organization. Just because she's a pretty and sexy girl should never be taken lightly. Five of our members were injured or broken bones in the process of kidnapping her.]

[She almost escaped three times even though she was locked up here, too. such a monster..]

[Can't you believe it? I didn't believe it until she kicked me either.]

[So don't untie her at all costs. keep her bound always nice and tight, gagging her and blindfolding her as needed.]

[Mmm, no. you just don't open the door. just keep your eyes on the door.]

[It's the same even if she makes a noise or calls you.]

[This is all for you.]

[Don't, open it. Okay?]




Very nice drawing. Still disliking the tape on the hands though. (I know this is a personal preference, I have nothing against people that like it. I just personally don't)

Kagura Miko

sorry Plus but do you think Soda in this position is a bit....🤣🤣🤣 hard for us


Oh my god So sexy Soda Hostage is perfect really a perfect captive and that pose is so lewd i love it


정말 오랜만에 나오는 소다짱이군요!! 과연 그녀는 나중에 탈출할수 있을지 기대되는군요... =v=


Before the cell door is closed again, Soda carefully observes the cell with the light outside. The cell is very small. Soda can't stand up in the room even if he unties the rope. There is nothing in the cell except the hostage Soda. Soda closed her eyes. She could only wait for the next chance to escape. "We are going to set out to catch a girl again. It is said that she is the sister of the hostage in our hands. I hope she is a weak woman." "Mmm!!" Soda heard that the kidnappers were going to kidnap her sister again, and immediately became worried and began to struggle. "Quiet! Girl" "Put these toys on her nipples and in her vagina" The futile struggle and the vibration of the toys soon made Soda lose strength. Soda leaned against the wall and breathed hard. He could only pray that vora would be protected by his father or the police


This can be a series Next , you can draw a picture of Vora who was kidnapped as a hostage while working in a maid cafe Then you can draw the place where the kidnappers transferred the hostages and tied vora and soda together in the new Warehouse. After all, you had the idea of painting the background of the warehouse when you painted the sisters (vora and soda) in 2020


Plus. I am starting think that your OCs are either highly dangerous or they are very crafty. Great drawing so far. Soda is looking very sexy.

Kagura Miko

Plus it mentioned that Soda learned self-defense in her profile so out of all the OCs, Soda is the toughest 🤭


My my! She is very thoroughly fettered!


Nice! Looking respectfully👀


Although the butt is very good, I still like to look at the front


Yeah. I am sure as hell not getting into a fight with Soda. She broke the bones of five kidnappers. She's like a super strong heroine from a video game or anime.


Thank you! If we don't seal her hand, she'll quickly escape with her flexible body haha = v=a


Thanks! I like the back a lot, but it takes too much time to draw a line of rope..


나중에 구출되겠지만 스스로 탈출해보라고 일부러 구해주지 않고 있습니다 = v=


Interesting story! If this happens, Soda will never leave them alone after she released X)


She is a scary woman who only treats Saga warmly X0 But if she decides she can escape from you, she may be caught on purpose sometime = v=


Oh yeah. Soda did that one time to avoid class. No one should mess with Saga while Soda's around. I have a feeling that Soda might do more damage than just bones if Saga isn't treated kindly.