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※ Thank you for voting for Soi!

But I made a mistake.. I think I was confused because the rules of roulette and voting are subtly different.

She shouldn't have come out now because she won the September chara poll once, So I'm not going to include her in the Poll result.

But, although the painting schedule for November and December is full, I will draw her in 2023 January!

I'm sorry for the confusion, And thank you again for loving my OCs!!

(I'm planning to post a separate idea suggestion post about OCs in 2023 January to paint Soi!)

Group A of this month's character poll!

Each group will vote for 3 days, and the winners will vote for 3 days!

The characters that were applied in duplicate were placed in the order of the first person who applied! (It's okay if the outfit you applied for is different, and they are assigned to the same group.)

Deadline for poll is 00:00 am in U.S. timeline!



I remember that I suggested to plusout that his OC wear a wedding dress before. I didn't expect that this time someone would have the same idea as me. Maybe we can open a fashion vote for the plusout's girl. Give our characters some opportunities


플아 선생님 제가 신청한 'bog girl'가 아니라 'dog girl' 입니다... ㅠㅠ


Hey, wedding Soi can be a sequel to kidnap day lol


Soi won two months ago. Why is there no time limit? Although I also want her to wear a wedding dress and marry me. So can the result be the same as two months ago


죄송합니다.. 저도 올리고 확인했습니다.. ㅎ_ㅎ.. 투표 게시글은 내용 수정이 불가능해서.. 못고쳐요...ㅠㅠㅠ


Yes, she should have applied a time limit like any other character. I think I was a little biased because it was my OC O_o


I heard that Soi won't be the winner this time, but why don't you consider re-voting? Some people will continue to vote for Soi, and many votes went to Soi, so I don't think it was a fair vote. Thank you for your consideration.


Mmm.. I thought it's okay because multiple voting was possible, and it's not good to initialize all of this because we already got nearly 400 votes except for Soi..


F Soi really i want see her tied up in a wedding dress but well rules are rules i suppose


지금 오후 1시까지의 투표 현황을 보고 글을 적습니다. 사람들이 플아님의 글을 봤는지는 모르겠지만, 지금 많은 사람들이 글 보고서도 소이의 웨딩 드레스 버전을 보고싶다는 건데, 만약 이대로 당첨이 된거나 딩첨이 된 그림과 투표수 차이가 얼마 없어서 고민을 하시려해도 플아님 입장에서는 규칙대로 아직 6개월의 시간이 흐르지 않아서 소이는 당첨되지 못해서 그릴수 없을텐데 그럼여기서 저는 두가지의 의견을 제시하자면, 내년 1달에 특전으로 느낌으로 그리시고 원래 명시한대로 소이 옷 투표로 선택 받은 그림도 그리시거나 아니면 작업량이 너무 많아지시니가 기억하고 있다가 1월달에는 소이 옷 추천 받은 그림만 그리시고 시간이 흘러서 나중에 그리시는 방향으로 하면 좋지 않을까라는 생각을 적습니다


아 그리고 처음에 글을 봤을때에는 플아님의 OC캐릭터는 적용이 안되는걸로 알고 있었던건 안 비밀 ㅎㅎ;;