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Variations - Normal, Full covered, Ungag, Panel gag, OTN gag, OTM gag, Ball gag, Mask gag, Hooded, Blindfold, Vibrator, Nipple toys, Extra variations(without bag)

Full image -

Chara poll receive of September -

"Damn it!! You broke the mannequin for the exhibition! Open is just around the corner!!"

"I, I'm sorry sir.. I'll bring a new mannequin right aw.."

"Open is just around the corner!! and It takes a long time to put on a suit, too!!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sir.... then what are we going to do now..?"


When they couldn't think of the right way, they saw a part-timer girl in charge of organizing the fair.

"...I think we have a solution"




"Eh.. you're really giving me 10 times the daily wage today, right..?"

"Of course. You just have to stay there until the exhibition is over. Think of yourself as a mannequin."

"O, okay.. but.. uuu... why do you need to restrain me so tight? And why I must be gagged..?

"This is because mannequins do not move, and not make sounds. It's all good for you. We don't have time now, so I'll gag you and put a hood on you right now."

"Okay.. please be gentlmmm- hmmph..."


Hope you like it = v=/




음.. 그럼 옷에서 가슴쪽에 돌기가 튀어 나와있는건 가능할까요? 옷이 벗겨져있는 마네킹들을 보면 가슴에 돌기가 있는 모습이 있어서 이렇게 표현하셔도 좋을거 같다는 생각이드네요 =v=


Is so perfect =v= really i love see Soi in her adventures and here she looks perfect really all of you OCs are perfect and see more of them is always a dream come true


Electrodes are perfect. If this becomes a Live2D, you can show her getting shocked by them and moving a bit.

Random Coomer

Once again, Plusout shows both his mastery over bondage and the supremacy of Soi. Sasuga, Plus-sama!


Hmm.. Then I think it need to make two kinds of motion.. I'll ask NJGSJ = v=


This is fabulous! And the little story that goes with it is wonderful, too. And out of curiosity, how's your living situation these days? If you don't mind me asking. I remember that for a while you had issues with hiding your work from your family, and I'm wondering if that's still an issue.


It looks amazing Soi will make a nice mannequin display

Emil Scherbe

I would love to see a topless version of this