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Was there a day related to a bunny that I didn't know about? = v=a


Kagura Miko

3 bunny girl 🤣🤣 people liked bunny girl so much


I only vote for bunnygirl


Even though I nominated Yelan, I still want to vote for Artoria.There are all too sexy.


Oh.. I forgot to set up a multiple vote.. O_o


I'll tell you honestly, but I don't like Bunny Suit. Really. And the best part is that I can't explain why. I'm sorry to all of you, but I'm not able to like this outfit.


oh... rabbit hole


Feels like the bunny suit wins every poll at this point. And I like the outfit, but perhaps its time for a bit more variety in them to give some other characters a chance?

Blue Saber

Not to be me, but we just had Jeanne win the roulette a couple of months back. Artoria and Jeanne are basically the same Saberface (as well as Mordred and Nero) as far as I'm concerned. Eh. If y'all want her good for y'all I guess. On another note, your poll image has two Artorias, even though the poll itself is correct. Just a minor thing.


I vote for the bunny! What do you mean they're ALL bunnies??


After all, bunny girls are popular all over the world...


It's becoming too many bunny girls indeed. They're nice ofc, but some variations would be fun x)