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Three girls were targeted!

Who will struggle in strict bondage?! XD


Viwen Suresh Kumar

Stella must win. She has amazing ass and amazing rack. Especially she is in her bikini that we don't see much often. She also likes being tied up and gagged by Ikki. That is kind girl we should vote. Vote for Stella


If Stella win try using this swimsuit https://www.google.com/search?q=stella+vermillion+swimsuit&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsYbxx0qln-ixxeZl2NuWPcc4r9Lig:1657608597216&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjr5vOc4fL4AhVpmIsKHSX9BJkQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ#imgrc=OU-ubim9NGqL9M


I bet the winner would look glorious wrapped up in spider silk =w=

Viwen Suresh Kumar

nope. rope bondage and crotch roped and OTN gag will be glorious for winner


Well, Plusout can just do a variant or create poll to choose version of swimsuit.


With all due respect, the person who chose Stella for roulette provided a link with a photo clearly indicating what bikini she was wearing and what color she was wearing. So it is worth respecting the decision regarding the outfit and not complicating the matter with additional roulette. This is my opinion. And I'm sorry if I offended anyone

Viwen Suresh Kumar

Come on people. It's obvious Stella is best option with her voluptuous figure in her bikini 👙. Stand with me for Stella ✊️

Viwen Suresh Kumar

to erza voters, vote for stella since both of these character are in bikini

Viwen Suresh Kumar

don't give up. let's beat byleth voters and get Stella to win

Viwen Suresh Kumar

where all those blether voters coming from


I'm still praying for a Byleth comeback since I would really love to see her in your style.


I actually agree with you. It be unfair to not draw the outfit that the user nominated with. Also I personally love Stella in that swimsuit. I remember people were trying to change Maki's Outfit to other outfits I didn't necessarily like. Luckily PlusOut ignored them and drew her in the outfit that I nominated her in and won in.

Viwen Suresh Kumar

sorry Kyle Stella will win. Believe it. I am praying for Stella win. 🙏


Well 3rd time's the charm and im hoping Byleth can clutch it out next time. (I was hoping she had a better shot here since Stella has already been drawn)


I would like you to know that you have my vote. I hope this will comfort you a little bit.

Viwen Suresh Kumar

next time I will vote byleth. For now please let stella win. Next time if your character is voted. I will vote with you

Viwen Suresh Kumar

if there anyone out there for Stella, please help Stella to win

Viwen Suresh Kumar

we have win for Stella. She deserve to win since she has huge bondage fetish and in 👙


Don't be sad, my friend. There is always a next time and roulette. If you care so much, I may suggest Stella in an alternate bikini next month.

Viwen Suresh Kumar

even Stella lost, can you still do Stella in bikini after you do byleth since Stella had alot of votes @Plusout




It was very unpleasant for someone to call on Erza voters to vote for Stella.

Viwen Suresh Kumar

its not really unpleasant. if they won't vote for Stella, is their choice. I just ask them for help to get Stella win. at least I don't bribe them.

Viwen Suresh Kumar

what is unpleasant is bribing them to vote for character. That i dont do. at least you won. Thus, i should accept that and no need to say its unpleasant f

Viwen Suresh Kumar

@Plusout Even Byleth won, will you still do Stella after Byleth is fully finished since Stella had lots of votes?