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I put it up again because I set the voting wrong.. Sorry everyone T vT

Group C of this month's character poll!

Each group will vote for 3 days, and the winners will vote for 3 days!

The characters that were applied in duplicate were placed in the order of the first person who applied! (It's okay if the outfit you applied for is different, and they are assigned to the same group.)

Deadline for poll is 00:00 am in U.S. timeline!


Viwen Suresh Kumar

better be Stella vermillion. I am fan of her being tied up since she has bondage fetish with Ikki. Vote for Stella Vermillion. You won't regret it

Kuronan Estimare

Not enough love for Big Sis Camilla. Come on, just look at that swimsuit! Even if Stella wins, Camilla should be fighting for it!