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The winner of New Year month is Kurumi Tokisaki in Date Alive!
Congratulations! alchemist1991!

I think we really like cute bunny girls = v=




Let's go kurumi!


Kurumi is going to look so good tied up and gagged. We need a ring-gag variation.


Kurumi + Bunny costume is perfection. Thanks to everyone who supported Kurumi.😌😌😎😎💪💪😍😍.

Michael Faux

Good job Kurumi she definitely deserves it that’s for sure. I’m actually surprised that Suki who was the first character I have ever put in a poll got to the final in my first ever attempt on the poll so I’m happy ether way 😃


Yay, bunny bondage! The best kind of bondage. :)


Cute Kurumi bunny bondage perfect i like bunny girls


She looks underage. She has the face (and perhaps shape) of a child. I'm not here to tell PlusOut to NOT draw her, But the next polls should not include any girls that look so young.


I mean... majority of the characters drawn here look like, if not actually, high school age or younger. I feel like it's a little late to be worrying about appearing to be underage


I'm talking about those that look younger than 16 years old. This girl is DEFINITELY among them.


Man, I was going to go for Homura from Madoka Magica. But no one manifested when Yun Yun was on the run.


Umm.. if you didn't feel underage looking at my paintings, wouldn't that be okay? = v=a The character can change depending on the style of the artist, and she will also be different by me! Unless the character is explicitly described as a child, I think that's fine O voa And when I draw, they're all under the spell of turning 18 or older hehe = v=

Plus Ultra

She's 17-18 years old though. Now Yunyun which was on the same pool as Kurumi is a different story, that one is 14.


You should just ignore Neptune. He ALWAYS calls every girl he doesn't like underage. He said it about Maki, Yunyun and now Kurumi.


You keep being told by people each time when you complain about Underage, that PlusOut has drawn Teenage Highschool Girls (14-18) in Bondage, Soi his OC is a Highschool Girl. PlusOut is fine drawing girls as long as they don't look physically like a child, like Illya from the Fate Series or Klee from Genshin Impact, not your twisted view on women since you still claim Kurumi looks like a child which by the way, How in the world does she look like a child to you? You sound so entitled when saying "But the next polls should not include any girls that look so young" it's like saying "ignore everyone opinions and listen to only MINE". Also your view on women is warped. Kurumi is 17-18 age and she looks like her age but to you she somehow looks like a child for some reason.


Suki looks underage. Siku has the face (and perhaps shape) of a child. I'm not here to tell PlusOut to NOT draw her. But next polls should not include any girls that look so young. I'm talking about those that look younger than 16 years old. Suki is DEFINITELY among them. Correct?


TKSonix, I'm not understanding you here, are you talking about the poll votes earlier?


BlackTsar, What Kurumi's creator SAID is her age... doesn't interest me. I go to high school and none of the girls in my classes look as frail and tiny-faced as Kurumi. The world SCHOOLGIRL is irrelevant. If she looks under 16 years old, It's disgusting. I do guess I sound entitled beause I paid PlusOut for adult-ish or 16+ girls, not under-underage looking ones like Kurumi. But this will not make me unsubscribe to him though.


Well, ok, if you don't get it, I'll say it out. Your wording is very subjective. "I think kurumi is underage", "I think suki is underage", "I think xxx is underage", etc. Kurumi looks too young? Nope, definitely not, and surely many of us here agree to this. We all hold different thoughts, and polls show what most of us like, not what you like. The winning character looks too young to you? take it or leave. It's up to the creator to decide what to draw, and wow, how nice PlusOut is to letting us decide which character. You are being individualistic. Stop being a "minority police" and messing around here.


My good man, all PlusOut's characters look the same no matter their age so I don't see where you find a problem here. Any character you see voted whatever their original look is you can imagine the end result. So if you liked his art so far up until now, picking Kurumi who in that specific picture looks young, maybe too young for your liking, there is nothing to worry about. It's also worth mentioning PlusOut has few rules regarding the age/look of the characters and he's not drawing underaged characters. I obviously mean no offense here to Plus since I really appreciate the style of his characters and I went as far as to pay for this stuff, but when I say Kurumi's gonna look just like his OG characters as well as every other girl he's ever drawn before, I'm stating a fact here. What we get to enjoy here is different coloured eyes, outfit and bondage position. You'll never see underaged, breastless, childlike looking girls here. If the original picture makes them look young you shouldn't mistake children for cute anime girls. And as a last statement or advice here, as long as whatever stuff you're doing here on the internet and with these drawings, doesn't actually harm you or anybody in any way, you and other people who complain about the looks should cease this act and just enjoy the drawings. PO already has limits, you don't need to impose further more and be a rotten egg here.


Neptune, I went to High School and I am at College and there are girls who have the same body type as Kurumi. Kurumi does not look like a pre-teen girl. You just have a different view on how women look, which is fine but the idea that Kurumi is considered "childish" is outright bullshit. I pay PlusOut to draw artwork as well but that's doesn't mean I am going to force him to ignore other people's requests and votes just because I don't like the subject. You sound entitled because you are literally trying to force PlusOut adopt a rule that makes YOU happy. I don't like the barefeet fetish but I am not going to make PlusOut adopt a rule banning it, just to make me feel comfortable.


Dude, all it takes is a Google search to find out she's 18 lmao


BlackTsar, you're getting really emotional about this and I can tell by your exaggerated assumptions. "But that doesn't mean I am going to *force* him to ignore other people's requests..." "You are literally trying to *force PlusOut* to adopt a rule that..." Both of those are wrong. Re-looking at my comments should tell you that. And why are you so intent on defending these underage looking characters?


They aren't exaggerated assumptions. You literally type out: "She looks underage. She has the face (and perhaps shape) of a child. I'm not here to tell PlusOut to NOT draw her, ***But the next polls should not include any girls that look so young."*** It's the last sentence where you sounds like you are trying to force PlusOut to adopt a policy. He already has a policy of not drawing little girls like Klee from Genshin Impact and Illya from Fate Series. It's also that you have a different view of what Underage Girls look like. I stated that I seen Women in both Highschool and College that have the same body type as Kurumi but you still claim that Kurumi looks like a child. It's just weird on how you view Women, to think that Kurumi looks like a child is just weird. Also you can do what I do when PlusOut draws something I don't like and just not view it. I mean not everything is going to be stuff that we like but it's going to happen sometimes. So just best to ignore it and not try to cancel it out.


Tsar, My last sentence was kind of unclear. I said "should" out of my preference. It did kind of sound bossy now that I look back on that. I'm still entirely confident in the fact that Kurumi looks like a child. I don't know what girls you've seen, but ones of the ages I like do NOT look like Kurumi at all. She's bony, especially in her arms and face.