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This girls doesn't have big image.... = v=

Two characters were selected!

Who can win on this month?!


Kuronan Estimare

Swimsuit Yunyun and Suki were actually tied... shame Yunyun was against Kurumi.


wow bunny kurumi, I wish she could win.


So the game that Suki is from, Didnapper is a RPG game were you Kidnapping a lot of girls. I seen the other girls and the game looks great. Apparently they are making a sequel to it.


Msut be Suki

Michael Faux

You would be correct the sequel is called Didnapper 2 which is currently being developed by DID games who made the original Didnapper. I have access to Didnapper 2’s current build as I am a patreon for DID games and the game is currently about 50% complete. I won’t spoil it but if you like Didnapper 1 you will love Didnapper 2.


Please please please Kurumi 🙏Suki is no stranger to bondage, but Kurumi is, which would make it the more interesting (scarier) for her XD


ok i rarely see a Didnapper charcter getting draw from a bondage so please let Suki have this one


Oh.... I love Suki but not this costume... If it's maid, bunny girl, or princess dress, I will vote her with no doubt.