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Two characters were selected!

Who is being tied up in this last month of this years = v=

※ I think I know why other artists take some break period..
I have a bad back these days.. T ㅁT

※ I'll check the results of this poll and think about something next month's chara poll.



I will fully support Mona because she is my first 5star in the game that I got during the beginner's banner. Also she has the best ass in Genshin Impact and her thighs save lives and finally she wears a one piece leotard with black pantyhose and that is sexy as fuck. That is why I nominated Mona but if she loses to Purple Heart, there won't be hard feelings since I love Purple Heart a lot too since Hyperdimension Neptunia has a special place in my heart ever since the first game on PS3 even creating a Neptunia Fangroup back on Google plus and it was pretty popular. I got into Azur Lane because of Neptunia collab, I am even getting a Nendoroid of Purple Heart. Either way both choices are amazing but Mona has Pantyhose so Mona has my vote.

Kagura Miko

I hope that's not something bad


It's cool if you have to take some time off, Plus. Maybe take a few days after this one or the Roulette. Holidays are coming so why not take some time off.


That's a good idea. It's up to you though. You know yourself way more than I do. I think we'll be fine with whatever you decide.

Shizumi Schwarz

Why not make it draw and see what happen =w=b