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Thanks to your support, I was able to buy a new tablet this time!

The tablet I've been using since I first started DA is now goodbye... = v=/

I'm not used to using new tablets yet, so I'm practicing this and that..
( More things are different than the original tablet O_o )

As I purchased a new tablet, I will try to provide you with better quality work!

Thank you for always supporting me! I want to share this joy with you! > _</

Have a nice day today!




Wow, it looks really nice! Congrats! X)

Kagura Miko

Congratulations!!! PlusOut showed his hands , so when will PlusOut show his face? Hahaha...


Awesome! Congrats! What kind of tablet did you get?


That's great! Looking forward to seeing new art that you've drawn on it. :) And it definitely looks like your old one has seen better days. heh


Glad to see you buy yourself stuff you want with the support! That's what it's for! :D You deserve it, you work very hard! X3


Congratulation on the new tablet!!! R.I.P tablet new tablet will carry on your DID art legacy


Oops! The old one broke somehow...


Thank you!! My face? O_o It is information of first-class risk = v=


Thank you!! X) As much as I upgraded my equipment, I was able to work more comfortably ~ .~


Thank you!! :D Now I'm gonna use that until I'm in my 30s.. = v=b