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Because I wanted to focus on this situation itself, I didn't add much of the variations = v=




Soi wriggled her bound body and let out an erotic moan. Though she was trussed up so that she could barely move and gagged to make it impossible to call for help, what she was feeling was far from fear.


Her syrupy and restless moans coupled with her blushing face as well as her half-closed eyes were proof to just how much ecstasy she was experiencing. True enough, she felt  ecstatically aroused. The fact that she was taken without her consent and bound against her will dragged her deeper into a mire of pleasure.

‘Since when did I become like this?’

Obviously, she wasn’t like this from the start. She was a plain school girl who had a simple life, a normal school life where she did her work in piece, ...or so she thought.

But her life was turned upside down after that day.

The day she was kidnapped for the first time.

The terrible experience of being deprived her physical freedom and being in somebody else’s grasp.

Though she was luckily spared, it seemed her days had become inseparably  entangled with bondage and incarceration since that day.

She’d been kidnapped in alleyways. She began to be stalked by strangers. A bank robber decide to take her hostage. School friends began to bully her. She even got to test out straitjackets while volunteering at a mental institution. In whatever situation, she was bound and gagged.

It is said a body shifts to adapt when exposed to extreme stress. Likewise, in this drastic situation, Soi’s body gave up resisting and accepted the change.


At the sound of approaching wheels, Soi came to her senses. The robber whom she thought had left the house was drawing near while dragging a suitcase.


Her flat, where she lived alone, had barely anything worth taking to begin with. If you had to pick the most valuable thing in her room, it was Soi herself.

The robber-turned-kidnapper apparently arrived at the same conclusion as well.

‘Is this my first time being kidnapped in a suitcase..?’

Her eyes became fixated on the suitcase. Her breathing became heavy and she blushed deeply. While assessing the space inside, she began to picture herself being carried in the suitcase.

‘...should be nice.'




오늘도 소이는 귀엽습니다


She is so ridiculously sexy!


Awesome art, and I love the addition of the story! Do you have them for previous pictures? I also wouldn't mind having stories (even short ones) from here on :3

Kagura Miko

상황을 매우 신중하게 준비했으며 스토리에 이전 이벤트와 연결되어 있습니다. 아마 미래에 그는 Soi를 가방에 넣을 것입니다 ^_^


Thank you! Umm, all previous pictures of her have been uploaded to DA! but there is no picture with this kind of story attached T _T...


다음에 제가 그릴 수 있는 아이디어 중 하나입니다 ^_^

nov Yuri

소설 한글판도 있었던 같던데 지금 보니까 없어졌네요?! 영어보다 읽기 쉬어서 좋았는데... ㅠㅠ


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