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Chara poll receive of July


Soda wriggled her body, trying to lean into the seat at all comfortable. But it was impossible because of the hands tied behind her back, and the more she leaned back, the more pressed her bound wrist, the more painful it was.

'I ended up being kidnapped again.'

She looked out the window at the scenery, looking for the most comfortable posture. She tried to figure out where she was being dragged through the surrounding scenery, signs, and buildings.


As her father had warned her in advance, an organization hostile to her father attempted to kidnap Soda and make her a hostage to blackmail her father. Her father did not actively stop it, but rather wished for her to grow further through the crisis. Her father also withdrew all the guards he had usually attached to her.

'Does father intend to test me?'

In the past, because she was weak, she was easily kidnapped by other organizations and spent a long time as a hostage. Her father's power eventually saved her, but her first kidnapping triggered her to become strong.

She cut her cumbersome hair short and polished her self-defense skills to the extreme. She made up for her weakness of being a weak woman with strict diet and constant exercise. She acquired calmness and coolness through various exercises.

To be the perfect president of the next PO Foundation.

"Yes, boss. We managed to get the target. But along the way, some members were injured, two seriously, with broken bones."

Eventually she was kidnapped, but not as easily as before. The initial goal was not to be kidnapped. She wanted to solve the crisis she was facing and prove it to her father.

But was she taking the situation too easily? Although she knocked out dozens of her gang members so as not to be kidnapped, dealing with the large number of them was difficult for her, and she eventually got tired. Feeling exhausted, she was quickly overpowered by other gang members.

"..On transfer at the moment. Yes, Target has been completely secured. She is tied up like even a burly adult male has been restrained so thoroughly that he can never get out. She is now quiet and obedient."

After experiencing her inaction firsthand, the members tightly restrained her, and it was difficult for her to escape on her own. It would be possible if she kept trying, but it was impossible now that she was monitoring herself. For now, she decided to rest quietly and join forces.

'But obedient?'

She was waiting for her escape, not obedient to them. She moaned at the man in frustration who seemed to be the team leader.

"Mmmph! Mmmhmp."

"...Oh, yeah. That's what Target made. She is completely gagged. ...What? Oh, we put her in the trunk first but she tried to escape. so we got her in the car and she's on the lookout. She's also camouflaged just in case... She'll be there in about two hours. All right, then."

The team leader glanced at Soda, who made a noise to him while talking on the phone, and he made eye contact with her. The team leader carefully ended the call with the boss. Then, crumpling his impression, he shouted at the member who was watching her.

"Hey you son of a bitch, did you fucking eat the blindfold?! Don't you remember I told you make her blindfolded?! Can you handle it if she finds out where she is?!"

"I, I'm sorry leader!!"

'Okay, I was wondering why you didn't blindfolded me.'

Soda quickly realized her mistake. It seems that it was the monitoring member's mistake to not cover her eyes. The member took out a blindfold from his pocket and her eyes were quickly covered. Also, the earphone penetrated her ear, and the noise from it made it impossible for her to hear.

'I guess he was annoying to overhear the phone call earlier.'

It is impossible to move, speak, see and hear, and Soda is under surveillance. Now all she could do was be helplessly taken to their hideout.

But she was not afraid of the situation. Already, she had long experiences of being held hostage, and she would prove it to her father by escaping the crisis herself. She decided to think of this as a difficult escape traning.

What was regrettable was that she could not meet her beloved friend for the time being.

'Please wait a little longer, Saga.'

Thinking the face of her dear childhood friend, she gave herself to the seat comfortably.

It was a pride that could not be considered a hostage.


This is probably a prequel story to Hostage Soda = v=

Hope you like it!




Exciting story, sexy Soda


This is so good! Can't help but think the sequel is "Hostage Soda" and then "Long hair soda remake". But that means she failed to escape xD