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Hello everyone! Have a nice day!

Many people sent DMs. Thank you to everyone who supported me and I'm sorry I wasn't able to reply to everyone.. T _T

Oh, and several people have inquired me about how content is provided.

Several other artists are said to be using Patreon's new community (chat) feature when providing content.

Although I am considering it, I have no plans to use it yet.
It seems that there are still some inconveniences in using this function for providing content.

I think a little more research is still needed. Maybe in the future I may ask you guys for help.

Anyway, yes!

Let's take a look at the results of roulette.



I have been thinking about this for a while, but I don't think it is a good idea for past winner's account to participate again. So far, I don't think anyone has won twice, but if that happens, it wouldn't be very good for the losers, would it? (By the way, I believe that will happen before I win. Haha...)


Dont worry remember if you need time remember take it always you health is important