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Sorry it's all been a bit wild this week at work, but I just could not leave the last two chapters of Skinnie Stallion's superb story Taken aback hanging and so here we go, buckle up 'cos this is a ride.



Taken Aback

By Skinnie Stallion

Chapter 3: The Control Room at Knightley Towers

Lady Jane settled back in her plush leather swivel chair.   It was all going so well.   Andy was perfect.  Perhaps he’d been a bit too forward in recognising the style of the assistant’s Louboutins.   Would a common tart be able to do that?   Perhaps.  Maybe she’d browsed on the internet and shown the styles she liked to her Sugar Daddy.  But he’d been nicely naïve about the Hummingbird.  It was becoming clearer how The Dark Institute had extended their web of blackmail across so many high-powered business figures and MPs.  So those guys liked to frequent shops like ‘Taken Aback’.   There were untapped opportunities for BOY?™ should they ever extend their clientele beyond sissy boys, mistresses,  and their girlfriends.

The downloads had been successful.   It would take time to crack the camera passwords but, with The Sisterhood’s latest quantum computer,  it would only be hours rather than weeks.   Their images should provide a clearer picture of what was happening on the premises as well as a backdoor into The Dark Institute’s network once The Sisterhood’s hackers got to work.  Now she just needed Andy to find out some more clues about the Institute’s trafficking.

Then a voice and an image on the screen made Jane lunge forward in her chair in disbelief.  “Oh no!”

“What is it?” asked Mistress Medley.

“A ghost from the past,” said Jane.   “I thought she was in South America.”


“Before your time, Mistress.  It’s Madame Dark.   Someone who penetrated the very heart of The Sisterhood.  Someone who was here when Andy  did his first training.    Someone who will have known all the boys and maids who passed through Knightley Towers until three years ago.   Andy helped in disclosing her.   I still have cold shivers about the thought of her and Andy.”

“And did she penetrate him?”

“No.   He stayed true to me.   He’s such a loyal boy.   But she may recognise him. Even though he’s blonde and not in a maid’s uniform.  Watch and listen.   This is critical.”   They both stared at the confused image of clothes racks on the screen.  It suddenly swept round to show a brief image of two ladies, one in what looked like a leather greatcoat.  ‘She still likes that imagery’ thought Jane.  She turned up the sound:

<<I’d like to try this on, please.>>

“That was Andy,” observed Jane.  “Clever boy.  He knows he mustn’t be seen by her.”

<<Certainly, hun.  Let me know if you need any help.   You may want me to tighten the back buckles so you get a nice tight fit that shows off your curves.>>

“That was the assistant,” said Mistress Medley.   “We need to look up Johnson in the BOYfiles archive.   Looks like she has a sister too.”

“Trust Andy to go for something with buckles at the back,” said Jane.  “I’ll give him rear access when he gets home.   At least he should be safe for a while in the changing cubicle.”   They followed the jerky image across to the cubicle.   It was obvious he’d sat down.   Then they saw the picture shift to Andy’s face.   He made a silent, twisted grimace directly into the camera.

<<Who’s the girl?>>

“That was the sister speaking, I think,” said Mistress Medley.

<<She’s called Tracey.   Nice girl.   She’s looking at the expensive stuff.   Seems she has a sugar daddy.>>

<<“I’m sure I recognise that walk and that rear. That’s hardly a very practical dress to try on by yourself. Let’s go through to the office.>>

“And that was Madame Dark,” said Jane, “and I don’t like the sound of that.”

<<You OK, hun? I’m just going for a chat with my boss. Call if you need any help.>>

<<Sure, will do.>>

<< There were some lads playing in the street just now.  They could be fruitful opportunities on our doorstep.>>

“That would be the Berwick Market Particulars,” said Jane.  “They’ve worked with Andy and me in the past.  I’ve had them doing casual surveillance of ‘Taken Aback’.   I’m going to give them a call.   We need them to take action.”

Chapter 4:  The Back Passage

Lady Jane’s instructions had been clear.   They’d gone round to the alley behind the shop.   They’d peered through the rear window but they’d been no sign of Andy.   They’d kicked their football in the yard.   They’d kicked it against some cars.  They’d upset some bins.  No reaction.   Nothing except a grumpy male neighbour poking his head out and swearing at them to play somewhere else.

They’d rung the bell at the front and run away.   They’d rung the bell at the front and stayed.   They’d gone in together holding hands.   They’d looked at the different types of lube and the more interesting designs of condom.   They’d laughed about the various metal and plastic chastity devices.   They didn’t need those, they’d told the lady assistant when she asked them their names.  ‘Simon’ and ‘David’ they’d said.   She’d invited them into the members area but they’d declined.   They’d left still holding hands but with some lube.  That might always be useful later.

They’d gone round the back again.  This time there was action.  The lady in glasses was hauling on a chain and pulley arrangement over a trapdoor.   Slowly a slim, orange mannequin rose above the floor.   It was shapely, shiny and smooth with curves in all the right places and nice pert breasts.  As it got above floor level she swung it to one side and lowered the trapdoor.  She lowered it.   It was rigid and stood upright on the floor, its feet extended as if in high heels but there has merely a shank of shiny pointed metal where the heel should have been.   There was something else different about this mannequin: tubes ran from its nostrils and mouth.  Curious.

After freeing the ropes securing the figure, the assistant advanced with a scalpel and started to cut around the face.   She removed a panel covering the eyes, nose, mouth and chin with the tubes attached.   There was Andy, but not the Andy they’d seen two hours ago stumbling along the road in his Balmain outfit going into the shop.   The boys couldn’t believe their eyes.   “They’ve got Andy,” whispered Matt for the benefit of  Jane back in the control room, “he’s been dollified.”    This was a very different Andy.   A bronzed Andy.  A bald, hairless Andy.  A smooth Andy.  Smooth where a boy was never smooth.   An Andy who been dipped in some combination of latex and epoxy.    A rigid Andy.    A terrified Andy.    An Andy with breasts.  

Madame Johnson came through to the back shop.   She smiled with delight at seeing the encased Andy.     She held a piece of what looked like soft plastic in her hand.  While her sister held Andy’s head, she advanced with it towards his face.   At first the boys thought it was a Venetian carnival mask before realising that it was a full face mask.   A precisely shaped, fully made-up face mask with piercing, fixed blue eyes.  Despite the closed window, they could hear Andy’s cries as he tried to resist but he was immobile and firmly in their clutches.   At the back of the mask was a bulbous anatomical protrusion.   She eased it into Andy’s mouth then pressed the mask against his face.  Her sister held it in place while Madame Johnson ran a form of flat-iron round the edges to seal it in place.  Poor Andy’s pretty face was concealed behind a veneer of stylised, artificial beauty.

The ladies stood back to admire their handiwork.   They were talking but the boys had no idea what they were saying.   Then the ladies started to dress him.   They rolled out a black latex sleeveless dress with straps and folded it round Andy. The absence of neckline meant that it showed off Andy’s new found bosom to great effect as the ladies drew the straps tight behind him and fastened the buckles  “Wow!” exclaimed Freddie softly.  “Doesn’t Andy look fabulous,” he said admiring the backless dress.  “Lucky Lady Jane.”

“Lucky LJ.  Lucky Will,” agreed Matt.  “Perfect dress for rear access.”

Quiet, boys,” hissed an annoyed Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones in their earpieces.    “Withdraw.   It’s vital you don’t get noticed.   Pull back and split up.   Matt, watch the front of shop from the end of the street; Freddie watch the back alley.   I’ve called up two more Particulars,  Alfie and Oscar.  They’ll relieve you in a few minutes.    And don’t worry, you’ll get your reward for a good days work after we’ve rescued Andy and closed down The Dark Institute’s dollification operation.

Chapter 5:  The Control Room at Knightley Towers (2)

Jane sat with Mistress Medley in the darkened control room.  In other circumstances, she might have chosen to explore Mistress Medley’s preferences with leather backed seats and such conducive lighting, but now she was transfixed listening to the faint crackles and voices coming through from the Members Area of ‘Taken Aback’.    The screen was black.   The camera in Andy’s clutch bag was still transmitting but it must be pointing at a wall or the floor.    Fortunately neither the Johnsons nor Madame Dark had found his bag when they took an unconscious Andy from the changing cubicle and the microphone was working.

Jane had felt a cold sense of dread ever since the appearance of Madame Dark.   Madame Dark had almost been Andy’s Nemesis once before.   She had a score to settle.  “Boys!  Matt!  Freddie!” she barked into the intercom.  “Get round the back!   Make some noise.  Create a diversion.  We have to give Andy some cover.”

Affirmative, LJ,” Matt replied.

It was obvious Madame Dark had recognised him.   When the lights when out, it merely confirmed it.   What had then happened to Andy remained unclear.  All had been silent until there was the noise of scuffling movement  in the cubicle, but there had been no word from Andy.  And then:

<<Strip him and dip him.>>

These were the only words they’d heard.   It was Madame Dark, naturally.  There was more shuffling, and then a bang and some clanking.   Then more silence.   “Matt!  Freddie!  Anything to report?”

No, LJ.   All quiet at the back.   Just some grumpy sod next door.

“OK, boys.   Check round the front again.   You may have to go into the store to find out what’s happening.   Keep your mike channels open.   I’ll go to silent,” said Jane.

Roger, LJ.”

Jane thought she hear one of the boys snigger.   She’d let them off this time.  They were brave boys.   They were going to be taking a risk if they went into the shop.

Mistress Medley waited patiently alongside Jane.   She didn’t know how Jane could stay so calm given what might be happening.  She knew how much Jane loved her boy.    “Do we need more back-up?” she asked.

“Yes.  Call Alfie and Oscar and get them down to Waterloo fast.  This is going Pete Tong.  We need to know what the hell is happening in there.”   It wasn’t often that Mistress Medley heard Lady Jane swear.   The tension was clearly getting to her.

“Yes, Mistress,” said Mistress Medley.   She wondered why Jane let the Particulars call her LJ.  She didn’t know the history of the Particulars, just that they often helped Jane and Andy on missions and were totally loyal to her.  She didn’t know how or why.   But Jane had found them found them living on the streets. She’d given them a safe place to live with old mother and paid for their education.  They might still occasionally go back to providing their own special personal services on Berwick Market, but even that could be very useful in gathering intelligence and it gave them some extra pocket money.  And they loved Andy.  They loved him like a brother  (or sister), and had always been there for him on past missions.    They might be the Berwick Market Particulars to Jane, but in their hearts they would always be The Watson Gang.

More waiting.   Jane and Mistress Medley heard the boys go into the shop.   They heard them larking around.  They heard them talking to Madame Johnson.   But there was nothing from her sister or Madame Dark.   Where were they and what were they doing with Andy?  “Nice touch with the lube, guys,” said Jane once Matt and Freddie were out of the store.

No trouble, LJ,” said Matt.  “We won’t even claim it on expenses since it’ll come in useful this evening if Big Thor’s back on the Market.”

“Just be careful, boys, and there’s still more  to do here.   Can you go round the back  again and see what’s happening?   It’s all gone quiet.”

Sure, LJ,” said Freddie.

It sounded to Jane as if someone was climbing some wooden steps.  Minutes later the boys reported that they’d reached a back window to the store room and could see Madame Johnson’s sister.  Where was Madame Dark?   Had she got away while the boys were out front.   Jane cursed that she’d not asked them to split up.    There was clanking on the intercom, then the words, Jane dreaded hearing:

They’ve got Andy,” said Freddie, followed by the mysterious words, “He’s been dollified.”

Tears came into Jane’s eyes.   What were they doing to her boy?   It was all very well her playing with him as her dolly but that was consensual and usually at Christmas.   He’d looked so good as her Nutcracker soldier and her Christmas tree angel.   A coat of lacquer and epoxy and he was the perfect, shiny Christmas ornament.  All he needed was rigid constraint and his Hummingbird, and he was perfectly gift wrapped and desperate to be peeled open on Christmas Day morning.  Pleasures deferred and delayed, were always pleasures that were savoured and treasured most.   This was different.   This was imprisonment.  This was readying him for trafficking.  But where? What was the network? Where were they planning to send him?   South America?   Were they trading sissies for drugs?  The Far East?  Drugs or weapons?   The Middle East?  Oil?     If they freed him know, would they ever find out.   Could she run the risk of letting him get shipped?

And then there was noise again.  A door opening.

<<Sis.   Come through.   He’s ready.  Coated, sealed and hardened.   Although he’s not going to be getting hard again for a very long time, if you know what I mean.   Maybe not at all. He’s so well tucked, Madame Dark even gave him a little camel toe.  So sweet.  So cute.  A real little dolly girl.>>

<<To think that he’s a boy.   He had me fooled.>>

<<Madame Dark spotted him so quickly.   Apparently it was the way his bottom wiggled.>>

<<It is a nice bottom.  Is he plugged?>>

<<Of course.  Plugged and catheterised.   The tunnel plug went in easily.>>

<<And to think, the cheeky bint feigned ignorance about butt plugs.>>

<<Oh, he must be a regular user.   Madame Dark said he even won a contest against one of The Sisterhood’s top maids.>>

<<I’ll just do the cut-out.   I prepared his mask while he was setting.>>

<<Well done Sis.>>

<<There.  Does that look good?>>

<<The prettiest dolly we’ve ever done,  I think.   It’s almost a shame we have to lose him, but Madame Dark wants him to go on the next shipment in a couple of days.  You’re going to have to store him till then.>>

<<No problem.  We can put him in the window.  He liked the schoolgirl’s uniform so he can go alongside.   He can enjoy staring at that.  Let’s get him into that dress he was going to try on.   He’ll look dead sexy in that, and the latex should be OK if it’s only in the window for a day or so  We ought to get quite a few customers with him in the window.   If he modelled for  BOY?™, he can model for Taken Aback.>>

There was some rustling and squelching.  Then a crunch and then silence from the shop.   Someone must have trodden on one of Andy’s hoop earrings.  Jane was seething but what was she to do.

Wow!” she heard Freddie exclaim on the internal link.  “Doesn’t Andy look fabulous!  Lucky Lady Jane.

Lucky LJ.  Lucky Will,” said Matt. “Perfect dress for rear access.

“Quiet, boys,” hissed an annoyed Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones in their earpieces.    “Withdraw.   It’s vital you don’t get noticed.   Pull back and split up.   Matt: watch the front of shop from the end of the street.   Freddie: watch the back alley.   I’ve called up two more Particulars,  Alfie and Oscar.  They’ll relieve you in a few minutes.    And don’t worry, you’ll get your reward for a good days work after we’ve rescued Andy and closed down The Dark Institute’s dollification and trafficking operation.”

Now, all she needed a plan.

To be continued……..   if you want



Ja auf jeden Fall

stacy C

Yes please more, that was great :-) x