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Here is the next instalment of Skinnie Stallions superb story Taken Aback

It has a little run in from the end of the first part, but takes us through to the end of Chapter Two

Thank you S



Taken Aback....Part 2

Andy paused in front of the shop window.   There were three mannequins dressed in a variety of PVC garments. They clearly weren’t going to risk putting latex in the window due to sunlight degradation.   Two were the obvious nurse and nun costumes, but one was quite an elegant schoolgirl outfit.   Andy quite fancied that.  Maybe that would be a good place to start.   He pushed the front door.   It didn’t budge.   He’d already seen the sign above a button saying ‘Press for Service’ but he had to maintain the act.  He pushed the door again then looked around gormlessly.  He spotted the button and extended an elegant, red latex gloved finger.   In the angled reflection of the shop window, he noticed that a security camera had swivelled and was observing him through its fish-eye lens.

Seconds after he pressed, he heard a loud buzz.   He pushed the heavily sprung door and entered.   As an assistant emerged from between the racking at the back of the shop, Andy toppled forward throught the door as if he’d lost his balance.  Andy was expecting a young tattooed salesgirl with piercings, the usual type for these kind of outlets.   He was surprised to be greeted by an exquisitely coiffed grey haired lady in latex pants, silk blouse and pearl earrings. He was particularly struck by her classic Louboutins with  5” metal dagger heels.  

“Good afternoon, Miss. Welcome to ‘Take Aback’.”

“Hello.  I luv yer heels,” he blurted in his best Estuary English accent.  “Are thems Big Lips?  They got such a lovely heel.”

“You are a clever girl,” said the assistant.   Andy acted shy, dipping his head slightly and batting his eyelashes.  “Yes, they are Big Lips.   And in your red Biancas too. You must be an expert.”

“Not really,” Andy squirmed.  “My, er… boyfriend buys ‘em for me.”

“You are a lucky girl,” she said with a knowing look.   “What’s your name, lucky girl?”

“Tracey,” said Andy.

“And what are looking for today, Tracey?”

“I dunno.  Just browsing.”  Andy pivoted on the heels of his Biancas and spun run round scanning the room.   He made sure the camera in the side of his clutch bag got a clear view as he turned.   “I woz wundering about that schoolgirl uniform in the winder.”

“Would you like to try it on?” asked the assistant.   

“Maybe, but let me ‘ave a look round first.”

“I think I can show you some nicer things than a PVC dress.   Unless your boyfriend has a thing about uniforms.”    Andy could tell the assistant had noticed his Balmain pants and jacket as well as his Louboutins and could see much higher value sales opportunities.  “We don’t have everything on display in our public area, but I can show you our restricted area if you’d like.”

“I dunno. Maybe,” said Andy accidentally knocking a black PVC dress off one of the rails.   As the assistant bent down to pick up the hanger, his eyes and his clutch bag swept the cornice, noting the different camera locations.   “Maybe some undies.”   He wandered across the store while the assistant was still adjusting the dress rail, and started to rifle through the lingerie rack.   It was mostly cheap PVC tacky stuff, although there were some nice looking harness bra and panty sets in studded leather.

“We have latex lingerie in our members only area,” said the assistant.

“Oooh, latex!   I like latex,” giggled Andy.

“I can tell,” said the assistant, enviously eyeing his outfit.  “And does your boyfriend like latex too?  Or should I say your Daddy?”   She’d met enough pretty girls with Sugar Daddies.

“Oooh, yeth,” said Andy with a deliberate pronounced lisp and coquettish smile, “he ith my Daddy.  My thweet Daddy.  Daddy loves me in latex.”

“I can tell.   Well, why don’t you come through to our Members Area and take a look at our Collection.   I’m sure we can waive your membership fee if you make some purchases, especially ff Daddy’s going to be paying.”

“That would be nice,” squealed Andy, “but I wanna look at these first.”   He moved towards the toys and devices.

“Does Daddy like those too?”

“Yes, but I like ‘em for when Daddy’s away,” he said picking up a dildo.

“As you’ll see, we have a variety of sizes.   What size are you looking for, Tracey?”

“I dunno,” said Andy fingering different toys and putting them back in the wrong places.  “Daddy ain’t that big.”  Andy made a gesture with his splayed thumb and forefinger and smiled.

“Has Miss tried a buttplug?” asked the assistant desperately trying to put items back in their correct places.   Andy lingered: his detector should have got a frequency lock on the cameras and the algorithm would already be attacking the encryption.

“Ooh no,” shrieked Andy.  He squirmed and waggled his bottom.   “I don’t let Daddy go there.”

“It would be tighter and more pleasurable for the less endowed gentleman.   A plug would make things a lot easier.  I’m sure Daddy’s asked. ”

“Yeth, he hath,” lisped Andy coyly.

“I think you might like it if you tried, Tracey.”

“Maybe,” he said, feigning surprise and embarrassment.  “Is there one you’d recommend?” he asked out of pure curiosity

“I’d suggest a Hummingbird 2.0.”

“What’s one of them? Does it stay in.”

“Yes, Miss. It’s a plug not a dildo so it stays in.  But it’s more than just a plug.   It’s a vibrator and it can be remotely controlled from a phone.   You can control it, although it would be more fun if your Daddy did.  It would loosen you up nicely.  It’s a signature item of the store.  There are several reasons we’re called ‘Taken Aback’.  They’re very popular.”

“Pop’lar with who?”

“Popular with ladies.   Popular with lovers.  Popular with men.”


“Yes, quite a lot of men.”

“Do they like them things in their bumholes?”

“My, you are a sheltered thing.   Yes, of course they do.   And not just sissies.  It opens up a new world for many men.”

“Do you ‘ave one?”

“A man?”

“No, a ‘ummingbird.”

“Yes.   My girlfriend has one too.”

“Crikey, I fink I’ll get two then: one fer me and one fer Daddy.”

“Can I suggest that you start with just one for you?” she said picking up a boxed model.  “We can leave it by the till while we see what else you’d like.   Let’s go through to the Members Area.  Let me take you aback.”   She took Andy’s hand and led him towards the door at the back of the shop.  “My, what nice gloves.  So soft.”

“Fank you,” said Andy following meekly but noting and remembering the numbers she punched on the door’s combination lock.

Whilst the shop had been gloomy and poorly lit, the back room was bright like a fashion studio with shiny tiled floor.  Andy’s eyes opened in wonder.   It was like walking into Aladdin’s cave.

“Are you Taken Aback?” asked the assistant.  There were rails of latex dresses, catsuits, pants and blondes as well as lingerie.     And there were corsets, breast enhancers and wigs.   Clearly the members area was used to catering for more than just ladies: clients with quite refined tastes.  If he ever got to pay another visit, he might want to look at some of those breast prostheses, but he was on a mission.   He let the assistant lead him to the rail of lingerie.  While she suggested items, he scanned the room.  There were some lovely sets.   He allowed her to move him to the dresses.   He particularly liked a mini-dress with corset lacing at the front and back.

While they were making the selections, a bell rang.   The assistant punched a code at the back door.   As it opened and two ladies entered, Andy saw that the door led to a yard and alley behind the shop.

“Hello, Madame Dark,” said the assistant as two ladies entered.   “Hi, Sis.”

Andy froze.   It couldn’t be!  He turned briefly and saw a tall, imposing blonde lady in a white blouse, black leather pants, black knee-high platform boots, and an open black leather greatcoat.  Alongside her was a pretty lady, who bore a striking resemblance to the assistant but wore glasses and had her hair in a charming wave cut.

“Hi Sis,” said the bespectacled lady.

“Good afternoon, Madame Johnson,” said Mistress Dark.  “This is just a flying visit to check on our despatch pipeline.    We have some urgent requirements from the Far East, and I just wondered whether you’d identified any new stock.”

Andy turned away, concerned he might have caught the eye of Madame Dark.  Surely she wouldn’t recognise him?   Not after three years.   Not now he was blonde.   Not when he wasn’t wearing a maid’s dress.  He had to avoid being seen by her.  He picked up a strappy dress that was open at the back.   He’d already spotted the fitting room in the far corner.   “I’d like to try this on, please,” he said to the assistant, walking away from the ladies.

“Certainly, hun,” called the assistant, who was clearly named Madame Johnson.   He noted that too.  “Let me know if you need any help.   You may want me to tighten the back buckles so you get a nice tight fit that shows off your curves.”

Andy hung up the dress in the fitting room and sat down on the seat.  He took a deep breath and removed his heels.  It made more noise and would make things easier if he had to run for it.   He squelched the latex of his jacket against his pants to make it sound like he was changing and listened.   “Who’s the girl?” he heard the bespectacled lady ask.   It seemed that she was also a Johnson, since she’d greeted Madame Johnson like they were sisters.

“She’s called Tracey,” said Madame Johnson.  “Nice girl.   She’s looking at the expensive stuff.   Seems she has a sugar daddy.”

“I’m sure I recognise that walk and that rear,” said Madame Dark.  “That’s hardly a very practical dress to try on by yourself.   Let’s go through to the office.”   Andy peeked out of the curtains of the fitting room and saw them go towards a large glass walled cubicle in the corner.

“You OK, hun?”  Madame Johnson called.  “I’m just going for a chat with my boss. Call if you need any help.”

“Sure, will do,” said Andy.

The last Andy heard was Madame Johnson saying, “There were some lads playing in the street just now.  They could be fruitful opportunities,” before the office door closed.   He was stuck.   He couldn’t leave the fitting room while Madame Dark was there.   He couldn’t make a run for it without blowing his cover.  He was worried about the boys but he’d have to leave it to Jane to look after the ‘Gang’. He sat down again.   Maybe he could go out and get some more dresses to try on, and wait for Madame Dark to leave if it really was just a flying visit.

And then the lights went out in the Members Area.  Andy started to feel woozy but he had the presence of mind to put his clutch bag beneath his seat.


Skinnie S

Thank you, as ever. S xxx


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