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Hello Friends

Here today we begin a special story created for Patreon by our dear friend Skinnie Stallion. 

It is based on a few a pieces of my art, skilfully woven together.

Hope you enjoy this treat of a series.



Chapter 1: The Salon at Knightley Towers



“You heard what I said, darling: dumb.  I’d normally chastise you for saying ‘What’ not ‘Pardon’ especially in front of Ms Fonda but in the circumstances I’ll let you off.   But if you’re going to say it, drop the ‘h’ and make it sound like ‘Wot.   Like I said: dumb.”


“Yes.   Dumb.”

“Must I, Auntie?”

“Yes, Andrew.   Dumb.   I want you to act dumb.  Dumb and common.”

“But that’s just a stereotype.”

“Stereotype it may be, but that’s how I want you to behave.”

“But you were never dumb, Auntie.”

“Nice of you to say so, Andrew, but I’ve been having Ms.Fonda tint my hair with Paris Superior for the last few months.”

“But you were blonde before, and you were always smart and clever.”

“That’s as maybe, but Ms.Fonda and I agreed that the time had come for me to go grey, or at least silver.   Isn’t that right Ms.Fonda?”

“Oui, Mistress Jane,” replied The Sisterhood’s beautician.    Andy still couldn’t get used to his Aunt being referred to as ‘Mistress’.   ‘Lady Jane’ was customary if a little formal.   If it was the Reverend it was just Jane, though with his mum it was always ‘Janey’.   And to him, she’d forever be ‘Auntie’,  his beloved ‘Auntie’.   But in The Sisterhood, she was a Mistress.  His Aunt and The Sisterhood seemed to have reached a happy rapprochement.  They respected her and her many skills, and also accepted that he was hers.   He would do modelling assignments for The Sisterhood, but since they were all for BOY? ™ and Lady Jane Fullerton-Jones was now the majority shareholder,  all was smooth and satisfactory.   More importantly, The Sisterhood valued his Aunt as one of their agents.

It wasn’t difficult for Ms.Fonda to convince me,” continued Jane, “she looks so stylish with her silver bob, bangs and highlights.   And you are now a blonde.”

“But I like my hair red, Auntie.”

“Yes, honey, and you can have it back after this.  I’m sure Ms.Fonda will re-dye it after you’ve carried out this mission.  You’ll soon be back in your maid’s dress and red curls.  Though I’d like to see it short again.  But you could be recognised dressed as a maid.   You need a disguise.  It’s why I got you this new outfit. I thought you’d like it.  Most girls would envy your Balmain latex jacket and pants.   Don’t you like them?”

“Yes, Auntie.   Of course I do.  And the Chanel belt too and Loubous.   I love them.  I can’t wait to wear them on a date with Will.   I guess I’m just nervous.  Nervous about the mission.  I wish you were coming with me.”

“I can’t Andrew.   You know that.   We can’t run the risk of me being spotted.   We just need you to go shopping by yourself: a simple reconnoitre.   You’ll like that.   I’m sure there’ll be things you’ll like.   You’ll have cash to spend.”

“Yes, Auntie.”

“You just need to play the part.  A little bit common with an attempt at class. A little bit clumsy.   A little bit klutzy   You can fumble with your bag.   You can gaze around as if you’re lost.   Just note all the security cameras and detect the radio frequencies so we can block or jam them and the alarms.”

“I know Auntie.”

“And keep your gloves on.   We don’t want you leaving prints in case The Dark Institute have anything on file about you.  We still don’t know what data they stole; they operated so long from inside The Sisterhood.”

“Oui, Ze Sisterhood was penetrated many times,” said the pretty beautician in her thick French accent.   Andy sniggered.

“Stop it, Andrew!” ordered his Aunt.  “I think you mean infiltrated, Ms.Fonda.”

“I know what I mean Mistress Jane.   My English is not zat poor,” replied Ms.Fonda. “Madame Dark had a way with many of ze members.  She explored a lot of our innermost secrets.  Moi aussi,” and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Chapter 2:  Shopping in South London

An unmarked car dropped Andy a couple of blocks away from the store.   He’d done his final checks on approach.  Gloves on.   Clutch bag with roll of cash, no credit card, and a burner phone.   Nothing that would ID him.  A few tissues, some condoms, and, of course, his lipstick, compact and mascara.  Just before he got out, he pressed the base of the bag and the hidden tracker and surveillance software kicked in. He wasn’t going to wear an ear-piece: nothing that might be spotted.  His hoop earrings would provide the aerials and resonance detectors.    Jane could now follow him every inch of the way and every word, though the first thing she heard was wolf whistles.

He received admiring glances as he walked towards the store.  Perhaps skin-tight latex wasn’t the best thing to be wearing in the back streets near Waterloo.  He surveyed the scene.   It was a mixed bag of emporia: some quite posh shops, a few arty ones, and others quite seedy.  There were the usual vape shops, some fabric wholesalers, and one or two repair garages. He guessed all were taking advantage of lower rents south of the river.    There were lock-ups too underneath the railway arches.   He was glad it was still a bright sunny afternoon and that there some people about. Further down the street, a couple of boys were kicking a football and shouting obscenities.  He’d have felt decidedly uncomfortable on his own here after dark.

He walked slowly and nervously.   It was fine to look nervous.   Most girls would look a little nervous going to a shop like ‘Taken Aback’.   During the briefing, Auntie had taken him through their on-line offerings.   Fetish fashion wear in leather and latex, lingerie of all descriptions, shoes and boots although mostly only suitable for the bedroom, bondage gear and sex toys.  A lot of sex toys.  As he approached the store, he stumbled.   Most girls would stumble walking in 6” heels but Andy was too practised for that.   Auntie’s training meant they presented no difficulty for him.  It was a deliberate trip as if he had caught his heel in a pavement crack or couldn’t quite cope with the heel height.   He had to look like a girl tottering along in heels to which she appeared unaccustomed.   A shy girl on a mission to buy something.   Something nice to take home that her sugar daddy would enjoy.

Andy paused in front of the shop window.   There were three mannequins dressed in a variety of PVC garments. They clearly weren’t going to risk putting latex in the window due to sunlight degradation.   Two were the obvious nurse and nun costumes, but one was quite an elegant schoolgirl outfit.   Andy quite fancied that.  Maybe that would be a good place to start.   He pushed the front door.   It didn’t budge.   He’d already seen the sign above a button saying ‘Press for Service’ but he had to maintain the act.  He pushed the door again then looked around gormlessly.  He spotted the button and extended an elegant, red latex gloved finger.   In the angled reflection of the shop window, he noticed that a security camera had swivelled and was observing him through its fish-eye lens.

Seconds after he pressed, he heard a loud buzz.   



Hallo Skinnie S das gefällt mir sehr gut


Another well written scenario to get in good with the Sisterhood. I do hoe all goes well in his mission and that we can see Andy try on that schoolgirl outfit. Thank you both for writing and listing this chapter.

Andy Latex

Thank you Lee for your support in this project, there will be another chapter this coming week xxx