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Hello my friends 

I shall be back very soon, the world has calmed and I am eager to get back to creating new art and having some fun and naughtiness with you all.

i have dearly missed you all and it is with a heart full of love that I thank you for sticking about.

One small change. Our little exclusive Calendar this year will be featuring  Aunt Jane in all sorts of adventures some in the form of my artistic style and othering using the power of Ai but all very definitely our beloved Aunt Jane.

 Thank you again, especially for your so so kind words of support and kindness, you truly are a wonderful family and I am So touched to know you all.

My biggest warmest hugs




Dr. Strangequirk

Most excellent news. Here's hoping that the new year will bring improved health for your parents and a revitalized spirit to yourself. Of course we've all stayed with you! You're a part of our kinky, fetish TRIBE! We all stand together & support each other through all the trials and tribulations that assault us all in the Vanilla world. :)

Stephen Dollahan

Glad to see things looking up. I can't wait for the calendar entries, they sound so interesting since they will feature Aunt Jane 🥰🥰