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Today we begin a look behind the country splendour of Knightley Manor ,to meet the staff and Mistresses which make it the worlds premier centre for feminisation.

Today: The Bed Mistresses

When a young man is entered into the care of Knightley Manor, they can often be very unsettled, nervous and unsure of their future. For many it is their first step on their journey into femininity and to find themselves alone without the reassurance of their guardian can be overwhelming. Especially at night where a strange bed, odd sounds and smells can be very distressing to a new arrival.

This is where our Bed Mistresses come in. Gowned in smooth latex, perfumed and immaculately made-up at all times, with welcoming smiles, gentle hands and warm bodies these perfect presentations of mature femininity offer a unique and deeply maternal comfort to any newcomers.

Usually the most mature of the Manors Mistresses , they are often the Aunts or mothers, even sometimes grandmothers of boys who have past through the Sisterhoods care. Their naturally  maternal natures giving comfort with bedtime cuddles, kisses and words of gentle support. Cradling sweetly feminised cheeks to their warm bosom.

Sometimes a boy, who exhibits a greater level of distress than usual, is taken to his bed by two Bed Mistresses, or even three, their warm soft bodies forming a perfumed nest within which the young man can be cradled and calmed. Often this is with soft words, tender kisses and gentle cuddles, but sometimes a Bed Mistresses special touch or kiss is required, just the relax him into sleep.

Indeed Bed Mistresses are the only Mistresses, apart from the most senior, who can touch those in the Sisterhood’s care intimately without strict hierarchy permission and it is very often with these warm and tender Mistresses that a young man experiences his first sensual pleasure.

 Often a Bed Mistress and her sissy  will ,in the time they share, form a lifelong bond. For on that first night a Mistress will have greeted a nervous ,softly feminine young man to her bed and then she will watch as that beauty blossoms until, on that last night, she welcomes a beautiful young woman to her bed, receiving pleasure from that now confident beauty as her reward for her love.

The bed Mistresses of Knightley Manor are just one of the unique elements that help create the worlds most sort after sissies and femboys.




Very Beautiful Ladys

Stephen Dollahan

It looks like Aunt Jane has some very beautiful competition, although she still stands brighter in my eyes, and surely in Andy's as well.

Andy Latex

They are clearly from the same soft warm mould Stephen, but as you say Jane is still a step higher XXX