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Hello Friends

 Here is another sweet and tender moment between our two you loves. I create these kind of things when I am feeling tired or in need of a lift and the last few weeks have been so busy, I needed a little Andy and Will to lift me up again.

  It seems Jane has a twinkle in her eye and could I be right in thinking she and Will came home together at the same time? 

  Andy seems so dreamy gazing into his love's eyes and I wonder if he can feel Wills happiness in return (If you get what I mean)

Hope you like this

It makes me happy






I am sure that Andy can feel Williams pleasure at seeing his friend and lover. No doubt William can feel the warmth emanating from Andy's body. Especially where his hands are caressing. Plenty of time for that later, in private. Andy may be late for work tomorrow.


Love it. Also, makes me very happy. Andy is for sure getting a beautiful lift from Will in more ways than one. xxx