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Hello Friends

So here is the first new piece of art to be created since our little break and we step back intoi the world of Andy and The Sisterhood, specifically the time Andy spent alone with the walls of Knightley Manor, the Sisterhoods headquarters in the UK.

  I know what is going on here, I know why Andy is there in this dark and foreboding place. I know what Madam Dark is thinking and more important I know who is at her heel, who is sealed in that pet suit, helpless, hot and drooling.

In time all will be revealed, but for now, it's all up to you my dear friends






Andy looks as sweet as ever. Gorgeous cat suit. Is it Jane? xxx


Is Andy worried? Toying with his collar. He may well be as he is led somewhere by Madam Dark and the only sounds are two pairs of heels and the squeak of rubber from the little pup leading point. Soon to heel and wait, and wait, and wait. By the lighting in back it may be early morning or late afternoon. Are Andy's chores done or just beginning?

Andy Latex

Andy might be very vulnerable, so alone in the dark corners of the Sisterhoods home. Might Andy sufferer the same fate, is this a hint of his future? a gift from Madeame Dark to chill his young blood. Time will tell my dear Lee XXX