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Hello my dear  sweet kind friends, your sweet messages and words have touched me very deeply, you are the very best of people and I wish to send you my love and very best wishes. Your kindness has helped me though a very hard time.

My Dad, is making good progress, no longer in danger and home with my lovely Mum, which will speed his recovery even more

  I am here today to say I will be back next week. It might be a bit muddled and messed up for a while as I get back into the groove but I am once more looking  forward to creating and sharing the adventures of Andy and Aunt Jane with you all. For Andy and Jane have helped me though many a dark time and I am sure they will help me to recover from this most horrid of months too.

 In a few weeks time I will archive these messages, keep them for myself, because this and the blog are places of fun and love and I do not wish to be remined of these last few weeks. As I say though I will keep all your messages and comments, because they have and always  will mean so much to me.

So I will meet you here on Monday with new art from Christeen and On the blog with new art from myself and then later in the week back here with the November page of our Andy Calendar

My Biggest hugs to you all

See you soon




stacy C

Glad to hear yr Dad is on the mend.....big hug x

Pirata Avarus

I’m so glad to hear that your Dad is on the mend. 🥰 Please take care of yourself. Never fear, we’ll all be here for you whenever you’re ready to return and will be sending you our best wishes in the meantime. 😘

Andy Latex

Hello again Pirata, so very kind of you to offer such sweet words. I have missed you xxx

Andy Latex

Big hugs back to you Stacy, thank you , it will be nice to be back with you Xxx