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Hello Friends

I apologise if there is a slowing down of art over the next week, It is because I am suffering a serious tech issue and can't get any of my paint-shop programmes to run on my old laptop and as my main machine has become reluctant to stay on I am in a bit of a pickle. I hope to solve the problem soon, but it is taking up a lot of my time.

With That out of the way. Here is a preview of  a new piece of art, some of you may have seen a few set up pieces earlier last month, but this is one of the final images, (yes there is another version out there)

I envisage this as a sequel/Prequel to another piece posted some time ago.

The question is, does our sweet William recognise Andy, or is he still just in love with that girl on the poster.

Time will tell






Beautiful and awesome. For William it will be doubly gorgeous when he realises it’s Andy. xxx

steve bracy

AL - I KNOW YOUR PAIN! I honestly believe we're past peak tech, which was win7. Everything added on after is spyware/bells&whistles, and totally unnecessary. Bought a new win10 computer, it refuses to run quickbooks 2015 or mediamonkey properly, they want me to buy new software! But I have a LIFETIME license? Who's lifetime? And then they "upgraded" me to win11 w/o even asking!!! Fortunately my win7 desktop still works, but for how long? GL, thanks for all the Schexy!