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Hello Friends

What?, Like I would leave you hanging to long. No we need to know what that hand is doing and to whom it belongs.

So here we go with the final part (for now) of In Paris

See you Monday



In Paris: Part 4


     “I hope so. Little steps”, For second Jane drifted on the image of her pretty nephew, of that smile, of that pert little bottom in those neatly cut pants, she imagined him in heels, how elegant his legs would look, how feminine.

    Then a hand, gentle but deliberate, stroked her bottom and she gasped.

Awakening from her daydream, Jane turned to find the second girl who had helped Andy, Adrienne, standing very close behind. 

  However, before her unsuspecting brain could respond to the girl's blatant touch with anything more than a startled “Oh!” of surprise, she  felt Sylie’s warm soft hand slip into hers.  

 Jane, lost for words, was a very rare thing, but turning her eyes back to the beguiling Brunette, her startled reaction to Sylie’s touch once again came as little more than an inarticulate “Er” of perplexity. A state not helped by Adrienne taking her other hand in hers.

  Jane took a breath, her mind formed a response, but it never passed her lips.


   Without  a word the two girls had led her from the salon floor though the half hidden door and into a dark room, lined on one side but full floor to ceiling curtains. A restroom? lounge area? ornate store room? Jane could not guess. Not that her disorientated mind had the capacity to make that call at that moment, because it was still struggling to catch up or the events which were silently unfolding around her.

   Adriennes touch was whisper soft and Jane’s jacket was slipped off almost before she knew it,  The fine material gliding over the silk blouse beneath. 

   “Relax Jane, there is no need to worry”, Sylvie said, moving to the edge of the room and pressing a control on the wall. 

 Jane instantly tensed, she stepped back, for gradually the curtains on the wall to which she had been led, parted and the light from the street beyond flooded in.


  “Don’t worry, they can not see us”  Adrienne said, running her hands down Jane's spine and gently moving her closer to the glass wall. “It’s one way, you know it is, we watched you outside”. 

 Suddenly Jane noticed the salon's Logo, reversed now on the glass and let out a soft “Oh” of recognition.

   Lost in a fog of disbelief, it was not until she felt the girls touch, one on each side beginning to unbutton the cuffs of her blouse that she fully understood what was happening. “Oh my God”

   Jane now held her breath, her eyes raised, averted from the two girls and their nimble fingers, up to the splendid  chandelier that dominated the ornate ceiling above. But she could not ignore their touch. She closed her eyes, squeezing them tight, trying to keep some control, but this was happening, this really was happening and the cool and in control Jane Fullerton-Jones  did not know what to do.

    As the buttons came undone, Jane surrendered and her eyes lowered to meet those of her seducers, Adrienne,bright, playful and sparkling and Sylvie, big, warm and friendly. In that moment, that meeting of eyes, the hypnotic French beauty silently asked all she had to with a smile and slight nod of her head. 

  It was a request for permission. Jane swallowed, her breath trembling on her parted lips. She was not in their control, alone and helpless to their touch, but she could not deny it. Her response was given.

  The cuffs open, Sylvie now stepped away allowing Adrienne to come before mature and elegant beauty .

  Blatantly close, the girl gazed straight into Jane's eyes. However it was not a gaze Jane could hold, for her eyes, nervous and disbelieving of what was happening,  darted back and forth from Adriennes fingers on the buttons of her blouse, to the ceiling and that chandelier, to the world outside and the passing faces, all  ignorantly  unaware of what was happening just metres away beyond that polished wall. 

   However it was her gentle and erotic undressing to which her eyes were helpless drawn, she watched intently as Adrienne deftly unbuttoned each tiny pearl button and as the last one opened and the sheer silk slipped from her body Jane let a softly breathed “I don’t believe this”, pass her lips. 

   Adrienne smiled and stroked the under side of her now exposed breasts, making Jane sigh. She had not worn panties that day, because of the tightness of her leather pants, so why would she have worn a bra, she did not need it, her body was as toned as a girl half her age, but perhaps if she had known what the day would bring she might have done differently, but as she helplessly watched the girl polished fingertip rise to circle a pert copper nipple, is was all to late.

  Sylvie smiled, Jane's moan of pleasure was completely uncontrolled and came without thought, but she understood it so well, for she knew Adrienne's touch was like nothing on earth.

   Such was the distracting caress of the girl's finger, her heels, Louboutin, sleek and black, polished red soles, were removed without effort or thought. Indeed their removal was almost a blessing for without those 5” needle heels, Jane’s trembling body found itself on slightly firmer ground. 

  Suddenly Jane jumped and looked down to where Sylvie now knelt before her, her hands resting on the buckle of her belted leather pants. She panicked, swallowed her breath and with a softly pleading  “No” placed her hands over the girls.  

    Sylvie just smiled.

 “Don’t worry” said Adrienne, her voice dripping like liquid in Jane’s ear, “It’s ok” and without genuine resistance, she eased Jane's hands away.

    The belt opened and the golden zipper began to descend.  

    Within moments she would be completely naked, open  and vulnerable, helpless to her two seducers desires, but she could not resist, did not want to resist, she wanted to be helpless.

Jane melted. “ What am I doing?” 

  From where she knelt the sleek brunette could smell Jane's aroma, mingling within the scent of warm leather. It drifted in the still air, filling her head with the promise of delicious pleasures to come. “Mmmm, j'adore ton parfum” she sighed breathing Jane in.

  But it was not just the scent that revealed itself, for as the pants, sleek and tight were eased down, the moisture from Jane's uncontrolled excitement glistened and flowed in thick strands of silver, stretching between flesh and leather.

   “Up” came the soft request and without control Jane obeyed, raising first one and then the other foot to allow the leather to be slipped free. She was naked

   Naked now before the two, still fully dressed girls and to all rational thought before the entire world as it passed the mirrored window beyond, Jane put her hands over her face. Whether it was embarrassment, shock or shame, she could not tell, but it was an honest and natural reaction. She had never felt so naked before, nor felt more alive.

 Gently both girls took a hand and eased them away, Jane’s face was flushed , her eyes moist with uncertain tears. She looked beautiful


  For the briefest of seconds Jane paused when she saw the wide lounger, deep red leather, soft and satin smooth. It sat  a few metres from the mirrored wall ,looking out to the world beyond.

  Until now, until this moment it all seemed like a dream from which she would snap awake at any moment, that the girl's touch was little more than tease, but now her knees truly became weak, she took a deep trembling breath and a hand, soft on her back, guided her down.


  Jane balanced herself against the wall and slipped the second heel on. She took a breath. Her leather pants seemed tighter than ever before and every movement seemed to direct pressure to her still swollen sex. 

  “Shit”, she thought, the fifteen minute walk back to the hotel was going to be rather interesting. 

   She paused, breathing calmly, letting the feeling subside.

     She could still feel every tingle and touch. She had been helpless in her seducers company, like a virgin, lost and uncertain and like a virgin she had cum almost at their first touch. Sylvies mouth and tongue on her juice wet pussy and Adriennes eager on her breast. However, under their skilled and sensual control it would not be the last time. 

They had made love to her body, to every inch. 

    She had never before cum standing up . She had never before cum standing up as she looked out on an  unsuspecting world passing by  and she had never before cum standing up, an unsuspecting world passed by, as two kneeling girls, devoured her succulent sex from front and rear together.

 Had she been a Goddess, worshipped and adored or a helpless plaything, taken and enjoyed, she did not know or care for never had she received so much devotion to her sole pleasure without demand or request that it be returned   

   She smiled and gave a giggle of recognition, Hell and they had not even removed one item of their own outfits. 


   She took and sharp breath “Oh Fuck!” She rested back against the wall,  “Oh Fuck”

She squeezed her eyes shut, concentrate on anything but that, she thought, anything but that memory, that feeling, those tongues, those lips,Oh those lips, wet and warm, all over her body and so deep within. Touching, kissing, tasting and caressing. “Oh Fuuuck”

  Induced by the tight grip of her now restrictive leather pants, the soft climax rippled gently through her like a babbling brook, tingling every nerve with sweet music. She rode the waves of the sexual aftershock  for a minute, gazing out at the faces in the street as they went about their everyday business, drifting on the memories of the afternoon

 Yes the walk back to the hotel was going to be very interesting indeed, but first she had a pretty new toy to play with.

Are you ready, sweetheart, jane said, stroking Andy’s cheek.

“I guess”, was Andy’s lightly disappointed reply, “Is Sylvie going to help?”

Jane gave a secret smile, she had already done that. “With what sweetheart?”

 “Well I can’t go out like this can i”


to be continued


Skinnie S

Oh my! For once I'm (almost) lost for words. Oh my, oh my! I am so pleased for Aunt Jane. Sylvie and Adrienne have unlocked something very special. Not only have they turned her nephew into visible perfection, but Lady Jane has once again felt a delicious blossoming of her femininity. Never had she experienced such pleasure since Lord Fullerton-Jones had flipped her and introduced her to a new avenue of pleasure whilst learning to understand the excitement of submitting to his lust. She in term had learned the gratification and satisfaction of domination as, with only slight encouragement, he had persuaded her to reciprocate on him. Sylvie's lips and kisses at her front had made her juices flow, but the very first probe of Adrienne's tongue to her rear made her cum. It brought back all those happy memories with his Lordship and that first time when she had opened for him. That night with Lord Fullerton-Jones had made a true woman of her. It was time to introduce Andrew to those pleasures. .... and I love the teaser about the Salon's logo. Hope all well. Your S xxxx

Andy Latex

Hi S Thank you so much, you know me I like to change expectations. To have Aunt Jane, losing control is a very rare thing, but it helps to show Jane is only human. To have her always in control would make her a two dimensional character, with this we see her sweetly giddy side, but it is not a side she will show to Andy....just yet Thank you as always for your support and I will message you on Twitter ASAP XXXX