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Hello Friends

I am now away on Holiday for a couple for about 9 days, But I wanted to leave you with something to remember me by 

So here is the next part of my little story.

You might have read the first two part on here earlier.

As of today there is one part left of this, I hope to get more written very soon, but it takes a lot for me to be able to do so.

Anyway, parts one and two were published together on the blog last Monday, so I thought it only fair to keep the story going.

There is a slight recap at the start of this to let you run in and if you would like to read it all again, here is the link back to the blog or you can search it out on here.


Thank you for reading



In Paris.....

It took but a few minutes, the girls were skilled and in no time the LED 

dryers had been angled into place.

  A second coat was applied, again dried within seconds by the blue glow of the lamps.

  Now it was done and Andy looked in disbelief at his fingers, the nails, now sweetly shaped and glossed, looked ultra feminine. 

Looking across to her beloved companion, Jane straightened.

“May we have a minute”.

The two women smiled and stepped away as Jane rose and took the seat beside her nephew.

“Same colour”, Jane said Wiggling her elegant fingers playfully

 “Auntie I can’t have red nails”. 

 “Yes you can sweetheart, It’s just us two, it’s fun, Just for me, just for silly Aunt Jane as a treat.”

  Andy looked at his hand in hers, they had been hand in hand so many times, but now, now it was ……. Now they weren’t his hands, they were those of a girl.He sighed, it was just them, just fun, just silly fun Aunt Jane being silly. “No, Auntie, I mean I can't just have red nails….can I,there are Rules”

  Now it was  Jane who was caught off guard and she instantly realised her nephew was ahead of her.

   “Am I…..”, Andy paused, took a breath, stroked his Aunt's hand with a thoughtful gloss fingertip. “Am i having makeup Auntie?”

  Jane smiled, and squeezed his hand, he looked up into her eyes, they glowed with love and pride.

“Do you mind?”

 Heck it was a big question posed in only 3 words. He paused and considered, he nibbled his lip in his usual sweetly nervous way. Finally he blew a deep calming breath and glanced up at her warm face. “For you Auntie…..I do not”

  Jane trembled, her eyes sparkled and drawing close placed her lips to his, Not in the corner of his lips, not the special secret kiss, but softly onto his lips, taking the young man's breath away.

 “Oh Andy, I promise will have so much fun together” 

If Andy had been scared or god forbid unwilling, then She would have had to stay, but Fortunately it was not a choice she had to make. Oh Jane would have liked to have stayed and watched her beloved nephews transformation, but there was simply no room for her to just sit and watch. Both Sylvie and Adrienne would be attending to him and she would only have been in the way, she trusted them totally, they knew what she wanted, the conversation had been had when she had planned the visit and following some reassuring words, she had left her most prized possession in their trusted care.

  The ping made her heart flutter and she picked up the phone from beside the coffee cup, the screen glowed. However she did not recognise the number.

   With a flick of her freshly polished fingertip the device unlocked. 

Hello Madame Jones. we have completed and we are more than happy. I look forward to seeing you.

   I look forward? Jane thought, but then she realised, then she saw the profile pic, it was a direct message from Sylvie. On her private number. Her heart fluttered. I look forward to seeing you.

  Jane checked her watch, time had flown, 3 hours had passed. She smiled at the thought of her beloved Andrew, sitting patiently in the deep leather chair as the girls fluttered and flittered about him and he would have been patient, because that was who he was, he would have been nervous, sweet and polite, no fuss.

Another ping, this time whatapp. A large file was loading, but this time from the recognised salon number and in a few moments it opened with a message.

A keepsake for a special client. We hope you enjoy. 

Jane gasped, her hand to her lips, it was a video file of Andy, clearly nervous but smiling sweetly, seated between Sylvie and Adrienne as the girls began their delicate task. A tingle of joy and delight warmed her cheeks, it was a video of Andy having his makeup applied. She would save it and meet her beloved nephews transformation with  a surprise

  The salon was only a few streets from where she had spent her time browsing the boutiques and Janes every step back to that door was on a cushion of air.

 For a brief moment before entering she stopped and checked herself in the mirrored wall on which the Salons ornate logo sat. 

  She turned, checking the look of her leather pants and flicking the collar of the silk blouse that nestled beneath the neatly tailored Chanel jacket. She was in France, In Paris, nothing but the sleekest of appearances would do.

 She smiled at herself, she looked good.

   As she entered the warm, perfumed salon she could not see her nephew. The seat she had left him in now occupied by a mature lady of style.

  A few moments passed, she saw Esther and Adrienne at work and  a couple of the other girls, a trim young girl all in black with neat short brown hair, was offering coffee to a waiting client, whilst a second taller blonde rearranged one of the booths to her left.

  Then from the back of the room, all legs and immaculate hair, came Sylvie . Jane took a breath and unconsciously stepped back as the elegant beauty approached. 

   “Welcome back Madame Jones”, The glossy Brunette  said, greeting her with a warm smile of clear delight. “I trust you had a lovely afternoon in our beautiful city”

    Not confident enough that her voice would not let her down, Jane nodded.

“You would surely have not looked out of place anywhere, you have the style of a true Parisienne Madame Jones. However I think it is your young companion you wish to see. Please come this way, Andrew will be with you in a short while. Please I will have one of the girl bring you coffee”

   Stepping aside the willowy Brunette ushered Jane past the reception desk and on to the salon floor. For a second she did not know which way to go, but then she felt a guiding hand on the small of her back.

  “Please this way”

   Jane felt herself jump and tense, my god it was only a hand on her back, but just that touch sent a tingle through her the like of which she had not felt in an age, It was a tingle that made her excited. 

  However the touch  did not stop, the girl did not remove her hand, indeed as they moved through the salon, Jane felt it slip lower until, as they reached the elegantly seated waiting area, the girl's hand caressed her leather clad bottom.

 Jane became wet.

“Please, Andrew will be with you very shortly”. The girl said, turning away with a smile.

Jane watched her leave, watched those long legs and that pert bottom, she stared, breathless with admiration and as she did, the girl looked back and caught her.The look on the girls face was one of such knowing, knowing of her own beauty and knowing of the effect she was having on her beautiful client. 

   Jane sat, she sat quickly before her legs gave way and as she did she felt her moisture slick between her thighs.

   In fact it was quite a lucky thing that Andy was not there to meet her because it gave her the opportunity to calm and take a moment.

  Slightly moving the clutch bag she had so swiftly placed on her lap, Jane gave a quick glance downwards, Thank God for leather she thought, for if she had been wearing anything finer, then she would surely have been looking at a spreading patch of dampness.  She took a breath, the leather was unmarked and no one would suspect  the condition the inside was now in. It was ok, she thought, calm down.

  However the effect this stunning Parisienne girl had on her was quite shocking. Jane was always the one in control, but that clearly deliberate touch of her bum , the flirty look back over her shoulder and the fact that she had revealed her personal phone number to her, the signs were clear and it was almost too much to bear and it was only the sudden realisation that the little, short haired brunette had appeared from nowhere to place her coffee on the table beside her that mentally brought her back into the room.

  Looking up Jane thanked the already departing girl with a polite “Merci” and for a brief moment her eyes drifted over the girl's trim figure. The tight black pants and well cut T shirt highlighting her pert little bottom and slim waist and the classic salon girl ballet pumps just added to her “Saturday girl” charm.

  Jane shook her head, ‘Oh come on, that's too far’, she chastised herself for staring. ‘she is barely in her late teens, what the hell is this place doing to me?’

and then the girl turned.

 The girl turned and with a smile brighter than the sun and warmer than a summer's beach replied.

   “You are welcome Auntie”

  It was an audible gasp. There was no way round it and for a moment the coffee in Jane's hand was in danger of decorating the room.


The word did not need to be formed as a question, for the girl in the tight black pants and T shirt, now clearly emblazoned with the word Dior in bold red letters, was undoubtedly her Nephew, same wide white smile, same dimpled cheeks and same happy sparking blue eyes, but…but this Andy…this Andy was beautiful.

   Jane put her hand to her mouth, “Oh my God”, she choked and the tears welled.

  A moment passed between the pair, It felt like a lifetime but was merely a blink of an eyes, But then, elegant and controlled, Jane placed the coffee cup down and rose atop  her needle-like heels. She took a breath and the pair drew close.

   “Oh my God, You look amazing”, Jane sighed stroking her hands across his shoulders, “As amazing as I dreamed you would be, as I knew you would be” 

   And he was,he was perfect. 

 Make up is transformative and can reshape and mask, but the girls had done none of those things, those were Andy’s  eyes, those were Andy’s lips and those were Andy’s cheeks, It was Andy, yes he was still boyish, but now the femininity that had lain uneasily beneath that thin veneer of masculinity had been exposed and he was beautiful.

   “Love your outfit, turn about”

Andy obeyed  with a delighted skip. Showing off his cute ‘Salon uniform’

“How do you feel?”

 “It's odd, Auntie, I can feel it, the makeup on my face, especially my lashes and lips, but it feels…nice?”

  Jane took his hands, admiring the gloss red nails. “No sweetheart, how do you feel…..are you Ok?”

Andy paused, he now looked down to where his hands rested in his Aunts, he nodded “I am”

  Jane's heart fluttered, it had been all so easy, so easy to achieve, but it had all been down to Andy’s naturally compliant nature.

  At that moment Jane saw Sylvie approaching from behind her pretty nephew, an equally wide smile on her lips.

“I hope everything is ok” She said, placing her hands on Andy’s shoulders, “Our Model has been perfection”.

 “You have done wonders”, Jane said, “I could not be happier”

 “Not at all, it was easy and a pleasure to have such a sweet model to work with, very professional”

 Andy giggled.

   “There is just one thing”, Sylvie said, moving to Andy’s side, “Payment”

  Jane raised her hand, in understanding. “Please Sylvie, I am happy to pay double for such skills”

The French beauty laughed softly, reaching out to touch Jane’s hand as she took up her clutch bag. “No no, we could not take  money for what has been such a pleasure. We were actually hoping we might borrow Andrew for the next few hours. You see, we will soon be missing two assistance from the salon floor and as Andy is so charming we hoped he might continue to serve our clients”

  Jane’s uncontrolled smile must have been a clear giveaway as to her own feelings, but she rightly turned her eyes to the immaculately made up beauty before her. “It’s up to you Andrew, would you like to continue to be Sylies, salon assistant?” 

 Andy nodded “Is it alright?”

 “Of course it is alright, Its seems you have made quite an impression here Andy, I could not be happier”

“But…but what will you do Auntie”.

“Don't Worry about that my dear, I will find a way to occupy my time. Enjoy and be good”.

  The smile on Andy’s lips as he turned to the call from Eshter was as warm and excited as she could have ever imagined and as he moved away, back into the salon, she felt Sylies hand on her arm.

   “You love him very much. Does he know that this is just the beginning?” she asked softly.

   Jane looked from Andy to the fragrant girl beside her. The knowing look on her face, indicating her understanding.

    “Just a bit of fun with his silly Aunt Jane…..That’s all he needs right now”

   “He is going to be very beautiful”

     “I hope so. Little steps”, For second Jane drifted on the image of her pretty nephew, of that smile, of that pert little bottom in those neatly cut pants, she imagined him in heels, how elegant his legs would look, how feminine.

    Then a hand, gentle but deliberate, stroked her bottom and she gasped.


To be continued in the very near future.


I might be absent but that doesn't mean there will not be treats next week




Yay! Yet again.

Skinnie S

This is a wonderful continuation. The Salon has found and created their perfect gamin Saturday Girl. No wonder Aunt Jane is delighted. A delightful, pretty nephew and Sylvie too. We almost never see Jane at a loss, but Sylvie has achieved the unthinkable. Great things beckon. Enjoy your trip. Have a wonderful time. S xxx