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It seems that StrangeQuirk Industries has been running some time, this looks like it was from the Sixties, but rumour has it they are behind much of the past few centuries greatest mysteries.

Are they a force for the light or a force for darkness, Government Investigations and enquiries are on going.




Yes, the "good" doctor has many secrets... His brilliant mind has produced many scientific breakthroughs though most remained shrouded from public scrutiny. He is devoted to pure science caring little for how it is applied in the "real" world." He is respected & feared by the many shadowy organizations that clamor for his services. His ruthless focus on his goals brings results, though usually at the cost of his many unwilling & unwitting "test subjects".


His "Vinylizing" process has both benign & nefarious uses, some of which have been shown on these very blogs... The technician shown here is one of his first test subjects and she, like the good doctor, are indeed from the 1960's though they have not aged more than a decade thanks to their treatments. She has risen to a position of trust & power in the doctors laboratories though the control collar helps to insure her loyalty... Those who notice the vinyl like sheen of her skin have a tiny insight on the treatments performed on her - and others. Pray you do not run afoul of the Doctor. For if you are not with him, he WILL find a use for you in one of his experiments.

Andy Latex

Oh thank you so much Dr. I am deeply touched that you would take the time to expand the story and give everyone some of the background to the mysterious StrangeQuirk industries. I am genuinely delighted you liked this little tribute, i so enjoy your idea and imaginings and the Vinylizing process is your brilliant trademark. Thank you for letting me use and play with your world, it crosses over so well into the Lady Jane Adventures. My biggest hugs Andy XXX