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Hello Friends

 I have been playing with Ai again and this time I had the idea for going back in time to meet Lady Jane's mother, the aristocratic and daring Lady Mary, lifetime friend of the Queen and defender of the realm.

However we must have balance and that is provided by the mysterious and scheming Baroness Isabella Dark.

These are fun to create and I will flesh out their biographies when I get time. But feel free to come up with your own ideas






Thank you for a pair of visions into the dim recesses of the Sisterhood and those that fight its tentacles. Perhaps these two had their start during the Cold War? Tit for Tat , as it were. How far back can it go? The World Wars? American Civil War? There has always been unrest and dissention, and those that prey upon it.


Both characters are really impressive... I would love yo see much more of them!

Andy Latex

Janes family has always been fighting for stability in the world, who knows where she and Andy's ancestors might pop up next XX