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Where is Andy? What his situation? I shall leave that up to you, but it would seem Andy's incarceration, whether willing or not is soon to come to an end, with the arrival of a familiar face.

Perhaps it is just an excuse for me to slip Andy into something strangely kinky.






Gorgeous shimmering robe. I bet more there’s some tight slip underneath. Wow I’m immersed also in Skinnie S comment. xxx


He can feel the warmth in his tummy, and spreading outward to his entire body. How long before he can get back into his maid's uniform and duties?

Andy Latex

Hi Aidan, so glad you liked it, It puts Andy in a very strange position and Skinnie is only teasing, 'cos there is more to come XX

Andy Latex

The delight is clear to see on Andy's face, how long has he been in the order, he misses home so much. Bless you Lee XXX